Hi Roger, Pretty easy to build your own hi pass RX filter, and here is a link to a simple website I created that documents one of my builds which might give you some ideas (I use a dremel tool to qui
Hi JC, Very good webinar presentation (I watched the recorded version this past weekend), and I always enjoy hearing what you have done, and your on the air results are always very impressive. I woul
Hi Jim, I know my following info does not directly answer your question, but I do think it's important regarding feedline isolation. I suggest you take a look at the recommendations of N6RK regarding
Hi Herb (KV4FZ), You said "but the 50 turns is going to be a chore" The only problem I find with winding a core with many turns is keeping track of the number of turns. What I do to solve the countin
Hi Jon, Thanks for passing this along, and how very sad. I had a nice brief chat with Milt on 160 meters CW early this Wednesday morning just as Milt was heading to bed (his Tuesday night) and will c
Gary (KD9SV) kindly loaned me one of his 994 x5 preamps (sometimes called KD9SV VLN (very low noise) preamp) so I could compare its Noise Figure against one of my W1FB preamps as well as 2 of my W7IU
Hi JC, I did not publish any absolute Noise Figure values, my measurements that I published are all just differences in Noise Figure. It actually is much easier to measure the difference in Noise Fig
Hi Bill, Appears to be a pretty unsolvable problem. I had succes with one by installing a K9YC type choke on power line cord but this one case was unusual as the TV generated RFI regardless if the TV
Joe N3HEE said "My K9AY rx loop does a pretty good job of knocking that down enough that I can deal with it." Likewise my pennant antennas do a great job knocking it down as long as the plasma TV is
HI Mike, I use a 68 foot based loaded vertical on 160 meters with 55 short buried ground radials (2500 feet of ground radials). I only run 100 watts and located near Indianapolis. I would prefer an I
I'm hearing what sounds like a stuck Key sending dashes (rate approximately 20 dashes sent in 10 seconds). Does not appear to be a local signal and heading approximately 90 degrees from Fishers India
Update. Still hearing it at 1026 UTC. Heading approximately 90 to 100 degrees from Fishers Indiana. Don (wd8dsb) _________________ Topband Reflector Archives - http://www.contesting.com/_topband
Thanks to everyone that has sent in directional headings so far. Jon (AA1K) and I are in almost perfect agreement regarding the direction of the signal from each of our locations, and using reports I
Thanks Russ, With your heading, we are starting to narrow in on a East South East direction from Columbus Ohio (heading 106 degrees from Columbus Ohio at a distance of approximately 77 miles). If som
Hi Michael, Been doing this (plotting on google earth) as each report comes in (which is what I always do), but since most folks can only provide direction such as N.W., or West, this provides very p
Hi Mike, Funny you should ask that. A few months ago (September) I was looking at building a smaller size DHDL using 4Nec2, and there were a few things I saw that I thought needed improvement (I saw
Mike and Gang, It was this project (terminated bowtie) that got me looking into the KD9SV 994 x5 preamp a few months ago (I published some info on this preamp a few months ago). I think the KD9SV 994
The attachment for my document that describes the Terminated Bowtie receive antenna design did not make it to some people in the recent chain of posts started by Mike (W3TS) that was called "Twist a
Hi Mark, I had no idea a terminated bowtie previously existed, but does not surprise me. Thanks for posting. Don _________________ Topband Reflector Archives - http://www.contesting.com/_topband
Hi Dave, There is a very accurate formula to calculate radiation resistance of vertical radiators that are 1/8 wavelength or shorter in physical length that's in the ARRL Antenna Book, and this formu