The ops have made a valiant effort since they were able to install the low band antennas. The prop has not cooperated. On 80M here in WV they have not been strong. I had to work them twice on 80 beca
This antenna is now being marketed by JK Antennas. 73 Charlie N8RR _________________ Topband Reflector Archives -
The ET7L operation is not a normal dxpedition. The guys are in ET land working. They have limited time to operate during their nights on 160M because of their work sked. Thus, they are focusing durin
Ken, I second your comment commending Arunas and Ark for their efforts at C9 and 3DA0. Last night when they were on earlier at 1820.3, there was much QRM from the contest. If there was any prop to my
Another link referencing the Zharkova model results: This one mostly steers clear of the climate pr
Carl and John, your comments about the last cycle bottom not being as good as the previous cycle bottoms were very interesting. I missed the previous cycles you mentioned. My activity started here in
Paul, I have one of these Bev Flex 4 antennas which we are getting ready to deploy and test as a reversible beverage. It uses RG6 for the antenna element. Here is a link to the manual: https://jkante
Typing on my iPhone from the woods now. I am testing a JK BevFlex 4 deployed as a bog now. Early stages. I think the optimum length will be determined by the local earth characteristics. Started by m
Tree, I would be out of luck without my noise canceling device, in this case a DXE NCC-1. Although my QTH is on a hilltop in the middle of 10 acres out in the country, the property is surrounded by r
At 1505 UTC, the 1809 kHz dash station is peaking S7 in Charleston WV, well above the noise on my TX inverted L. There is significant QSB on the signal, down to S3 or 4, but always above the backgrou
I deployed the JK Bevflex 4 for this winter Topband season. First deployment was as a BOG, over a rock cliff. This particular location was not conducive to any BOG, so I changed the configuration to
My station has not been configured for Topband for this season yet. All rx antennas are disconnected/removed and my inverted L has not been inspected yet. Usually the elevated radials need maintenanc
I think the game changing aspect of FT8 is that many folks who would normally be available to work on CW or SSB will now be on FT8. The amount of activity on the FT8 frequency of any band is phenomen
160 is full of surprises. I have been casually looking to work Fedor UK9AA when he has been on the band. Last night the conditions seemed awful. Only EU I was hearing was RW5C and he was much weaker
Thanks for this discussion guys. For years I have head a sound similar to the recording by N3QE but it is not exactly the same. Mine sounds more like the one described by WS6X. The four bursts/spacin
Many thanks Guy for this and previous posts about BOG antennas. Two or three seasons ago I watched and listened to a You Tube video of a Canadian station listening to EU signals in mid afternoon on a
A DXCC rule change to allow shared use of a low band RX site that is located within a specified distance of the main station makes sense to me. My station hears OK, not top tier by any means, but we
Hello Jerry When FT8 came out in 2017, I tried it. Once past the gee whiz factor of the technology, I did not care for it. Being a traditional CW DX chaser on all bands, making FT8 QSOs did nothing f
I have one of the Bevflex systems deployed as a short beverage. I have also used it configured as a BOG. Mine is the version that was marketed by JK Antennas. It works as advertised. Good f/b ratio.