Now, now Ken, stop beating on the old Johnsons. Both my V-I and VII CDC have 122 VFO's and after tossing the 6AU6's for 6AH6's, reducing the regulated voltage to 105 with zeners and redoing the slopp
Put down another in the opposite direction. If you did a 2 wire reversible in the beginning it would have been easier. Carl KM1H _______________________________________________ UR RST IS ... ... ..9
A reversible BOG does not work well because of the very lossy conductors laying on the ground. It can be done but you need to run a separate feedline to the opposite end and switch the feed circuitry
One of my QRP rigs is a pre WW2 Meissner Signal Shifter coupled with a 1934 National FB-XA. Carl KM1H _______________________________________________ UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK
I have a total of 13 countries on 160 with 100mw Gary and almost DXCC at 5W; a few more on 160 and I'll have 9 band QRP DXCC. When conditions cooperate anything is possible. Carl KM1H _______________
My primary interest on CW is DX so Ive not even listened below 1810 except in a contest. To work QRP DX on 160 wait for the nights that EU and Carribean are pounding in and find stations nobody else
Carl, QRP may be fun for the QRP station but it's often a PITA for the station on the other end. I'm not saying that most of us need a KW on CW, I sold my SB220 in 1974. But I hate trying to dig some
Silver plated, stranded Teflon wire is readily available. I have #14 and 12 available. Email me with a length needed and I'll give you a price with postage. I dont have any T300A-2 left but do have p
But thats a basic part of the Canadian national heritage Eddy (-; Since my wife is a Newfie I figure I can get away with it. Down here some feel it is below their status to stoop for change or dig fo
You will never know without trying. For starters Id suggest a transformer connection to reduce common mode and coax to the house with a floating ground and beads. For a ground on the CATV side try a
At a prior QTH I had a 90' Rohn 25 with 16' of mast above and stacked 4el W2PV design yagis. The 1/4 wave resonance was 1585 KHz if I remember and the 1" CATV hardline used for a gamma was space 3'.
Hang a bare wire top to bottom and 2-3' from the tower. Have one person on the tower with a clip lead and another at the base with an analyzer and a couple of variable caps. Move the clip lead one ru
Any series resistance or inductance will slow the incoming wave down and increase the tilt and the length where it reverses direction can be calculated since a 50% VF is the crossover point. A Bevera
Ive found that it is sometimes beneficial to be able select more than one Beverage at a time especially in a contest or during fluctuating skewed path conditions. Carl KM1H __________________________
Loss at 160 is determined by the thickness of the copper plating and even the best will have a bit more loss than all copper. An additional 1dB/100' of resistive loss in a 200-300' run means nothing
Commscope cable is no more rodent proof than any other quality brand. If DXE charges more for it then its not worth it economically. I also use Commscope but I buy in 1000' reels via my Tessco commer
You could also shorten the Beverage length with loading coil(s) and run coax under the gravel if thats a possible option. Since the coils slow down the wave a bit you have to factor in the velocity f
It never hurts to have a DC block when Murphy is around. Carl KM1H _______________________________________________ UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK