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References: [ +from:75052.3037@CompuServe.COM: 2 ]

Total 2 documents matching your query.

1. Follow-up on traps as loads (score: 1)
Author: 75052.3037@CompuServe.COM (Roger A. Cox WB0DGF)
Date: 18 Feb 97 15:12:02 EST
A Q of 100 for 10 and 15 meter traps seems very low. I beleive that our (TH7DX) trap coils are closer to Q=300. I can measure them and post the results if anyone is interested. I also agree with Tony
/archives//html/Towertalk/1997-02/msg00392.html (7,235 bytes)

2. [TowerTalk] Traps, etc... (score: 1)
Author: 75052.3037@CompuServe.COM (Roger A. Cox WB0DGF)
Date: 20 Feb 97 09:03:39 EST
My initial measurements of a 10 meter trap coil (P/N 878749) indicates a Q of approx. 220. This was done quickly on an old Boonton Type 190-A Q-meter. I will be checking the 15 meter trap coil as tim
/archives//html/Towertalk/1997-02/msg00432.html (6,997 bytes)

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