Absolutely put up the two towers if you have room. And as Jim says, you can add that stacked tribander later on (or now, if you can afford it). This allows you to run the stack on one band while gett
Anyone got a quick method for stripping FAA red & white from Rohn tower? My drill and wire brush seem to be taking forever...though perhaps I need a different brush bit. Thanks / 73 Maury W3EF
Hi Towertalkians-- Just saw this on e-bay; only 4 hours left. I have no interest in this (other than being sorry I can't use it myself!). The link is: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&it
Hello Towertalkians As a sideline to the blend-in painting question, I have perhaps a more basic query: What paint to use in re-coating towers (Rohn 45 in this case)? I have been told to use Rustoleu
Greetings towertalkians... I've got an A3S and A3WS (with 30m attachment) and wonder if anyone has modeled them (with or without the 30m attachment) on the same mast at different spacings. Cushcraft
<html> <head> </head> <body> If you're optimistic, perhaps it's your Nice Loud New Station.<br> <br> If you're pessimistic, it's No Luck--Neighbors Squealed.<br> <br> <br> (Having no real idea, I agr
Anybody got one? Anybody know where I can find one? Thanks / 73, Maury W3EF / G0UHK -- Maury A. Peiperl, Ph.D London Business School, Regent's Park, London NW1 4SA U.K. +44 (0)20 7262 5050 Learning D
Hi all -- I have a 12' and a 24' 4130 Chromoly mast(s) purchased new from KB4IDC (a trustworthy gentleman in my experience) in 2003 and never used. $225 and $450 respectively; $600 for both. Pick up