Me too. Totally inappropriate. Take it elsewhere........ 73, Joe WD0M At 01:37 PM 2/22/2004, wrote: WE DON'T NEED THAT CRAP ON THIS REFLECTOR!!! I'M OFFENDED!! Trying to keep up w
Excuse me, but since when is it OK to post R-rated stuff (even a link) on this reflector? I'll pass on the personal insults. 73, Joe WD0M At 02:18 PM 2/22/2004, Joe Subich, K4IK wrote: He said it was
"Handled it very well"..........hmmm..........why should it have had to be handled on Tower talk reflector in the first place? Simply inappropriate. At 05:35 PM 2/22/2004, you wrote: -- Original Mess
Isn't it interesting that AOL defends someone against receiving "...complaints from AOL's member base" when that individual sees nothing wrong with posting R-rated links on Tower talk? 73, Joe WD0< D
It does - thanks for the pity, but I don't need it. Save it for those young hams who click on the link and, as their parents walk into the room, suffer the consequences. This reflector isn't just for
Perhaps because someone, unthinkingly, provided it in the first place? Here's a novel suggestion - let's let the moderator determine if links to "R-rated" sites are permissible on his reflector. Stev
I sure love my SteppIR 4 element. Virtually a 1:1 SWR from 20 - 6 meters. SteppIR is supposedly coming out with a 30/40 capable yagi this year. You could always go for a single bander 40 M version in
Here are two sources for Phillystran: 73, Joe WD0M At 03:05 AM 3/19/2004, Paul Jensen wro
I've talked to a few folks here in Colorado who use metal chimney sweep brushes to do the same thing on their towers. Attached to the top of the mast, the brush supposedly dissipates charges. I'm tol
On top of my US Tower TX-455 is a SteppIR 4 element - beyond the size limitations you are facing, so may I suggest a 3 element SteppIR, which covers 6 meters through 20 meters, all WARC bands, and pr
Thanks for the reminder - done. The link below makes it easy to find. 73, Joe WD0M At 05:56 PM 4/26/2004, wrote: Hello All, Everyone should make a comment regarding the NPRM from the F
Geez...........and just after I sold all my UHF gear! ;-) I'll remember this one for the future - thanks! 73, Joe WD0M At 06:52 PM 4/29/2004, Dino Darling wrote: There is an N-Connector made by Andro
I've been using a Yaesu G-1000SDX for many years - bought it when I was in Alaska. While there, the temperatures hit - 40 F, we recorded 125 mph wind gusts, and had 20 feet of snow over a winter. I l
Seems that the EPA has decided PCBs are a danger, albeit if safely handled, the risk is minimized: "How can I tell whether a piece of equipment contains PCBs? "Check for a manufacturer's label, which
Sounds like Force 12 propaganda...check their web site. ;-) Then check the SteppIR web site. Interesting comparisons. My momma always told me not to step on someone to make myself look taller. My Ste
The first SteppIR has been up for 3 plus years, and has experienced no problems. I had to take my Mosley Pro57B down several times in that period to make adjustments within that same time frame. My S
This young man gives me great hope for the future. 73, Joe WDØM Reply Comments by to the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking by Benjamin S. Gelb, KF4KJQ, a graduating senior at Thomas Jefferson High
Wow! Quite the story - you did the right thing! I guess I should be happy that I had to anchor my tower base to bedrock, which was only 6 inches below surface, rather than risk encountering an archae
Interesting question, Doc. I was going to pose exactly that this morning, but you beat me to it. I have a single point ground panel (thick copper plate) populated with various ICE arrestors, and was
Thanks for sharing, David - my UST TX-455 is a couple of feet under the 55' maximum for that reason. When I first put it up, I cranked it to the top - and it didn't "feel right". I lowered it a coupl