Wow...there's Delrin, then there's Delrin enhanced..many improved varieties.. Appears that UV resistance is not inherent, and requires specific enhancements to basic Delrin.. See a comprehensive Site
Re Cheap radial wire... Find a friendly Telco guy, and scrounge some multi pair telco cable, or find their 'dump' and do same.. Xacto Knife; split the jacket, and untwist the spiral wrapped wire... l
I am curious about the Epoxied anchor bolts. Do the instructions have you drill the holes for the bolts and epoxy in a way that the hole in the concrete, is lined up in the direction of the pull? Or
My curiosity and the magic of internet search has found an informative site showing results and techniques for testing of Imbedded bolt shafts in huge wooden sail boats. They show me that Epoxy, appl
Sorry for the slightly off topic query, and please guide me to the best antenna discussion group....I am at a remote location, (Sierra Foothills above Auburn CA,) and built Wayne Oberbecks Late 70's
Fabio, I know Caddock is a mfg of high power non inductive resistors, perhaps they have what you need... I once had rhombic opportunities, and learned that you can reduce the power handling reqts of
Hello John, What obnoxious wording in the deed restrictions! I think you, and all of us, would benefit if you contacted Phil Kane, ( ) a frequent contributer/Expert/ex FCC offical in t
Our field day site on top of Chews Ridge, Los Padres National Forest, Southeast of Monterey, has a fire lookout on top, with a fairly extensive heavy copper lightning rod array, and grounding on the
I heard an interesting story direct from Dr Dave Leeson (Wrote: Physical Design of Yagi Antennas) Who teaches various RF/antenna courses at Stanford U. Dave told me he had a student from Japan, who w
Guys,I took some pictures of a cell site under construction in Monterey some time back, showing the grounding system, with cadweld details, and in this case a "loop" ground design, with multiple cadw
A Google search using "Fall-Arrest" search term brings up a wealth of information from industry and research studies. One study conducted by Wright Patterson AFB suspended subjects in body harnesses
Guys: A Non Directional Beacon Wesite/Index: 73, DX, de Pat AA6EG; Skype: Sparky599 __________
I had a tower trailer project about a year ago, that went awry when the trailer was impounded for beiing parked on an ex Kmart store abandoned parking lot, that was in interim status, and turned hot
Folks, a photo of a buried cadwelded cell site perimeter ground system. Perimeter of large guage, solid, tinned copper ring about, 50-60 ft direct buried, 8" subsurface, with about 15 ea 8' cadwelded
I am thinking through adding a multi fuel (Gasoline/propane/natural Gas) conversion for my Craftsman 4KW generator, and wondered what the generator would consume per hour in the other fuels, and foun
Hello Bob, Some recent years back, with some access to acreage, I thought of doing a rhombic antenna, so learned a bit about them. To get significant gain, you need quite long leg lengths, in terms o
Folks: I Googled: Concrete +cure and came up with a wealth of info from various concrete associations, With detailed info on curing rates, conpressive strength vs time during cure, special kinds of c
Its been a very long time since I ran an HF KW from a residence. At a new QTH, I am contemplating doing so, using a yagi on a tower, say at 60 ft. I am now at a fairly dense subdivision, shown here o
Wow.... what does a 300KV voltage tester look does it generate that high of a voltage? 73, DX, de Pat AA6EG; Skype: Sparky599 ____________________________________________
Hi Larry, There is a copy of an extensive report done by Naval Post Grad School on the ARRL website. Free download; See: The authors have given