FWIW, I have an 80m dipole in an inverted Vee configuration with the apex at the top of the gable end of a one story section of my house, perhaps 18 feet, and the ends about 4 - 6 feet off the ground
I made quite a few back in the late 70's early 80's with my employer then. Out of convenience I always silk screen printed the pattern on a well cleaned board blank using the same ink used for making
Just FYI, muriatic acid is just another, ancient, name for hydrochloric acid. Common use of the term in modern hardware stores is HCl diluted to something around 25% Acid solder flux is generally HCL
Which reaction yields.....water. CO2 gas with sodium acetate precipitate. Al AB2ZY Try combo of vinegar and baking soda...old timers trick ! _______________________________________________ __________
For every complaint I hear about how the stereotype of hams being cheap is unfair, there are 30 stories like this. I've thrown chunks of old concrete and big stones into steps and slabs that are not
I was tempted to hijack the Mosley thread, but it should probably be allowed to die peacefully. I discovered a few years ago that you can't ask any questions where an honest answer might be construed
I am amazed at the number of hams who don't understand basic physics. First of all, condensation requires a supply of air with a dew point above the temperature inside the conduit. The total amount o
Stan, Of course holes on the bottom of a buried conduit will allow water to drain out if the pipe was filled during a temporary rise in the water table, assuming the surrounding soil will permit perc
For future reference.....does smokeless powder work as well for this? Yes BUT... sulfur is optional, potassium nitrate isn't in black powder. Patrick NJ5G ____________________________________________
Hmmmm. Me, I read far enough to see that the paper wasn't published on April 1. Since it wasn't, I went back to watching Sponge Bob Square Pants. ;^) Al AB2ZY My first thought on this is "there is no
Years ago I was doing some family history research using the NY Times from the 1890s (I have a distant relative who was John Phillip Sousa's manager, hence the connection to the NYT). The paper was o
I was wondering what the "magic ingredient" in ATF was that busted rust. ATF is mostly oil. Like all non-synthetic petroleum based oils, it is a collection of distillates that have about the same mol
SWR is determined by the feed point impedance of the antenna and the characteristic impedance of the transmission line. The tuner can't do anything about SWR on that line, only match (hopefully) the
Talk to your supplier. The rule of thumb for "non fortified" concrete was to keep it wet for 7 days after setting at which stage you've reached the point of diminishing returns. Modern concrete suppl
Just to point it out if it is not common knowledge, but straight threads are incapable of self sealing by their very nature. Tapered threads are required to obtain the mechanical interference needed
I think the real problem here is that Douglas is in Cuba. There is no meaningful free enterprise - the government either owns or controls all non black market commerce. Mean salary is equivalent to $
Local jurisdictions have NO authority to regulate RFI. That authority belongs exclusively to the federal government. A zoning change denial that incorporates potential RFI issues into the decision wo
As not everything has a Gaussian (normal; bell) distribution. Much of what is taught in the typical statistics course for non-mathematicians focusses on normal distributions and their variants becau
It's not a normal distribution and the variance is high, so neither the median or average tells you much about the population. Is Mugsy Bogues on that island? Al AB2ZY On an Island populated by pygmi
radial system. 30 year expected life IIRC. Al AB2ZY ________________________________________ From: TowerTalk <towertalk-bounces@contesting.com> on behalf of dw <bw_dw@fastmail.fm> Sent: Monday, Sept