On July 14th Sherman boasted..... Just a note to consider... gain is increased by reducing radiation in UNwanted directions and radiating some or all of the energy in desired direction(s). As we disc
I noted that an individual has (25)... yes, 25! ... T-500 Trylon = towers available/for sale on eBay. =20 http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem <http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&
Sync'ing your pc clock also helps with log book accurracy, also. I suggest you look at DS Clock http://www.dualitysoft.com/dsclock/ IF you have a constant connection to the 'Net, it's a great little
In preparing for the installation of my Rohn HDBX-48 tower I noticed that the concrete base diagram showed what I refer to as a 'toe'. That is, the hole for the base is rectangular -- something like
Received quite a few posts in response to my query. Since this is not an issue easily summarized, I'll simply state what I have learned. The 'L'-shape design (pier and pad) is an actual engineering f
As a 'newbie' I can say the MFJ-259b is an awesome tool. The manual does an adequate job of explaining how to use the analyzer to read Z, cable loss, etc, etc, etc... but NOT what these things are. T
On Monday, April 01, 2002 3:24 PM Henry AA9XW stated: I believe that the current state of ham radio reflects today's society... just as it has reflected our society for the past thirty years! In my f
After the fourth iteration I have made the 'final' decisions. The Spring (?) antenna/tower project will consist of 70' AN Wireless tower (*massive* windloading spec!), TH7 at 5' above top of tower, C
I want to thank all who posted responses. Your input/opinions is/are GREATLY appreciated. I have made changes to the 'Grand Plan' according to the following summary. 1. The HAM IV is history. It coul
Ted K6HI stated... Sure does... the environmental conditions make a yagi/LPA a BAD choice: wind-driven rain entering traps high winds (hurricane takes out antenna) lack of space ( a Hy-Gain 3-30Mhz l
Why not ask the roof authority?? My definition for NLNS might not be what THEY believe it to mean. Why guess??? k3gb ________________________________________________________________________ Where do
Not Long Not Short = bureaucratic-talk for 'medium size' 3gb ________________________________________________________________________ Where do you get ICE bandpass filters & beverage matching boxes?
Attention TT'ers... Found a fellow who has (2) full rolls of Times LMR-400 coax. 1000' per roll. Price is $125.00 plus shipping (82 lbs). Let me know backchannel if you would like his name. gary b k3
I did NOT communicate with the seller, but it is my understanding that both additional rolls are gone. gary b k3gb ________________________________________________________________________ Where do yo
In response to several questions, here is link to eBay ad for the cable. http://cgi.ebay.com/aw-cgi/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=2003755962 It appears the fellow had five rolls of the coax. I do not h
Good evening, all... Recently purchased what I thought was a used Hy-Gain trapped vertical -- 12AV* No paperwork came with the antenna. While cleaning the vertical, I noticed that the top-most sectio