Doesn't SteppIR have their own reflector? Why can't all this discussion go there? _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ TowerTalk mailing lis
After spending all that money for a SteppIr antenna, nobody's gonna call their kid ugly. I am putting up a 4 element HyGain 204BA on a 34 foot boom. Can't wait to find me a horse race with a SteppIr!
That's easy to do. Take a 5 element 205BA, remove one of the directors, run the YO antenna modeling program using the 34 foot boom and, viola, you have a 4 element beam on a 34 foot boom. Bob W6TR --
4 years down the road when propagation is better, those upper bands will be rocking with activity and the SteppIR will be a very worthwhile antenna to have. Right now 20 and 17 are the only bands tha
Surely you don't expect a 4 element on a 26 foot boom to be competition for a 4 element SteppIR on a 32 or 34 foot , do you? I was just leveling the playing field by taking the boom from a 205BA and
Jim, you are right. What I plan to do is put up a 205BA and then compare it with a 4 element SteppIR. (I won't tell anyone that I am only using 4 of the elements. Let's keep it a secret, OK?). Yagi p
If you have a copy of YO it is very easy to see what effect element spacing has on gain and f/b. If you optimize it on 15 for example and then move to 20 and keep the element spacing the same as it w
You comment doesn't really deserve an answer as you are stating the obvious. The only thing you didn't mention was 1 element on a 34 foot boom. You are obviously using a SteppIR and I revert to my ea
Teflon covered stranded is used by many. How you fasten it to the spreaders is VERY important. _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ TowerTal
One would have thought that SteppIR would have stepped up and solved the problem by now. Maybe if this thread would have been put on the SteppIR reflector, they might have gotten involved. __________
Smart decision Joey. Why spend kilobucks for an antenna that you don't need. Perhaps when 10 & 15 come back in 3-4 yrs the SteppIR will make sense, but not now. ______________________________________
Carl, your bragging doesn't make any sense at all. For any specific band most monoband antennas will stomp a SteppIR, assuming that the boom length is the same or longer than the SteppIR. For band ho
The sections are not designed to drain between each section. They are supposed to drain at the bottom of the foundation leg. If one reads the directions it is clearly spelled out. ___________________
Joe, have you been smoking weed again? It's affecting your brain. Your logic makes no sense at all. A 4 element on a 34 foot boom at the same height and optimized with YO or some other optimization p
I just acquired a couple of Telrex yagis that I am not able to take the booms apart. They have probably been assembled for many years and I don't know whether they were assembled with Pentrox. I am l
Thanks to all that responded to my request for help on disassembling 2 Telrex booms. I passed this info along to the current owner. My friend in CA found out that the cost to ship the antennas was pr
Now that I have the LM354HD resting safely in my front yard, I need some guidance as to how old it is. The serial number is 65735 and the tower still have the yellow stickers on the vertical tubes th
I talked with Tash Towers today and they want $1000 for a base for a LM354HD concrete base mount including shipping! Is there anyone on this reflector that has a RCB-70LT base that they would be will
I still need a base for a Tri-Ex LM354HD. The Tri-Ex number is RCB70LT. If you have one that you can spare, please contact me. My plan is to put up a HyGain 205CA in a 4 element configuration, modele
Anyone have the specs for the motor used on the LM470/354HD to crank up the tower? It needs to reversible but I don't know the HP or the RPMS. A Model number would be very helpful. Bob W6TR _________