Dave Leeson brought to our attention an interesting technique for achieving wide-band operation on the lower HF bands, derived from mentions in texts and references in ARRL publications by Frank Witt
Notes distributed to towertalk supplementing Dave Leeson's notes on using multiples of 1/2 wl 50-ohm coax followed by a 75-ohm matching section to provide wider-band performance on lower HF dipoles a
Something to keep beside the computer: A useful site for connecting to a large number of dealers and manufacturers is the following: http://jehosophat.com Note that there is no "www" in front of the
Sam, Go ahead and blow your own horn. Your listing of amateur manufacturers is as long as that on Jehosophat, and I am sure that any new ones there will soon be on your list if they are ham relevant
I added some further notes regarding maximum front-to-back ratios and other topics to the "Supplemental Stacking Notes" at the site, for those interested in such matters. Hope they are useful. -73- L
Some discussions on the lists about competing designs for shortened (half-element length) 40-meter 2-element beams suggested to me that perhaps some folks are not familiar with the basic elements tha
Rick, Your new antenna at 140+ feet (4 wl) might well be in a skip null relative to the available paths at the moment. There are perhaps 2 things tyou might do to test the hypothesis. Using a fairly
Author: L. B. Cebik" <cebik@utkux.utcc.utk.edu (L. B. Cebik)
Date: Sat, 11 Oct 1997 08:05:40 -0400 (EDT)
In providing some modeling date to the G-QRP list in answer to some questions, I developed some notes, which I have now placed at the web site. They contain some corected numbers (errors of transcrip
The Double Extended Zepp or Extended Double Zepp (DEZ or EDZ, as you prefer) goes back at least to the 1930s and has been used successfully by innumerable hams. Current levels on the wire depend on t
I have made a few additions to the notes at my site on the vertical plane delta used as an all-band antenna, mostly to clarify its use as an SCV and to add a table of values for feeding the antenna o
Ed, Hate to disagree with a friend, but on the difference between center (base) loading and mid-element loading, there is not as much difference as we had previously suspected. I have looked extensiv
W8MKW posed a few questions to me about cloud burners for 75 meters. In trying to find some answers, the notes seemed of more general interest, so I put them at the site. Look for notes on (what else
Mike, I cannot speak to any particular antenna, but I can speak to gain in general. A 3-element Yagi (monoband) will run between about 7 and 8 dBi free space gain, with good front-to-back. It is poss
An added note: these figures, if each is 1 wl up, are at 3 different heights. Hence, you have to interpolate for a single height. If you use 70' (1 wl/20), then the to angles of max radiation will b
Should anyone be interested, I have added some notes on a comparison of 2-element fan and fractal element beams to the notes at my site on fractals and fans. The results tend to confirm earlier model
I placed the notes distributed to gqrp-l on all-band use of an 80-meter horizontal plane square loop at my site, next to the notes on the vertical-plane delta. Also added a few graphics. Hope they ar
Assuming one wants to match to a 50-ohm coax for monoband use of the delta loop(s), why not first try a simple 1/4 wl section of 75-ohm cable? The delta loop may run between 110-150 ohms impedance, d
Tom, Your coax splicing is a reminder that connectors are a convenience, not a necessity. A well done splice that passes muster mechanically and creates the least impedance displacement (even in 50-7
Some notes on 75-meter "cloudburners that I had placed at the site lost their link, so I took the occasion to add a bit to them. They are now back and linked from the main radio page. What I added wa
Jerry Haigwood, W5JH, reminded me that the low impedance, narrow bandwidth characteristics of 2-element Yagis, which make them a bit problematical on wider ham bands, can be overcome for the narrower