Hello, thank you all for your replies to my questions (summary below) SRI I caught a flu, hence my delayed answer... 1.) Big kudos to W6RMK for his excellent suggestion of how to approach this proble
While presenting the spiderbeam antenna this year on the HAMRADIO hamfair in Friedrichshafen I had 2 very interested customers asking about possible discounts for ordering large quantities... They a
I fully understand why TOP LOADING (where there is very little current) accounts for much less ohmic losses But ON4UN also recommends linear loading AT THE BASE of a vertical to be BETTER (less ohmic
Its pretty close to what W9XR once described in CQ-Contest magazine as the "spaghetti beam" I had a 3ele of that sort up for a few years, made of 14m fiberglas elements, (7m either side) with approx
does Hi George easy - the whole elements were made out of wire. :-) the horizontal part was taped to the fiberglas (fishing) rods and the vertical part was left hanging down at the end 73 Con DF4SA
Not really. The carbon fibers appear to be electrically conductive, albeit quite resistive. Its not advisable to use carbon reinforced poles e.g. for quad spreaders They are likely to disturb your a
Hi Ron, I can only second Dan's statements. The variations you state (RS 59 to 55, and 10 or 20dB difference) in my opinion sound _way_ too much for the differences I would expect to be generated by
In my opinion, Jerrys question was best answered by N0AH. He describes exactly what any vertical/inv L builder will find out eventually: The more radials you put on - the worse the SWR gets. This is
Ladies and Gents, whoever built quads or other wire antenna arrays before knows about the need for good quality wires for this kind of antennas. The primary concerns are that the wire does not stretc
Hi Barry, OK - thanks for the hint! Anyway, it looks like the stuff you used was NOT insulated, true? The wire wire I am talking about is insulated with a PE jacket, so that would prevent it from rus
Hello all, thanks for your comments on the usage of stranded copperweld. Individual experiences seem to vary quite a lot... I will summarize and perhaps be of nuisance again after XMAS If there is mo
MNI TNX to KQ2M and W0UN for sharing their stack experiences in great detail. For those of us without the possibilty for stacks those stories still seem to confirm the old wisdom "in most of the case
Hi Jose, I guess your "flexible wire" is a multistranded wire ('"litz wire")..? AFAIK multistranded wire can develop the following problem: the individual tiny little wires oxidize on the surface and
and to ALL of you who continue the political bashing, complaining about it, or whatever crap that might produce...: CANT YOU EVEN BOTHER TO CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE SO IT DOES LEAVE W4AN COMPLETELY OU
Very sorry to hear the sad news about Bill W4AN I remember several nice CW QSOs with him as well as uncounted Contest QSOs of course. RIP old man. You will be missed. 73 Con DF4SA ___________________
1.) Modeling is wonderful! It lets you experiment in nice cozy warm comfort while it's raining outside, or while the sunspots are few, or while you're just too darn lazy to go out and build it to try
Hello, if you are talking about interactions between 40m and higher bands (15m is worst, 20m is much less affected, 10m is no problem most of the times), in my opinion it is not important which brand
At 20:36 16.04.2004, Tom Rauch wrote: Once an antenna is loaded the first resonance above fundamental can be a long way off from the third harmonic. It can even disappear. The closer the system appro
At 20:51 28.06.2004, Jim Lux wrote: I wouldn't use the s-meter. I'd use a receiver with the AGC disabled and look at the audio output with a PC. The PC lets you digitize the signal so you can measure
So would turning off the AGC and digitizing the audio. If anyone finds a program to support the latter, I'd like to know about it. n2ea jimjarvis@ieee.org Hi Jim, I was very surprised to learn today