I'm not sure Towertalk is the right forum, but here goes: I'm using PL-259s outside to connect transmission lines (Belden 9913) that run up the tower to my antennas to the underground lines that run
I truly appreciate all the responses! The 9913 is not wet inside -- I checked this the first time it happened and it was dry behind the connector that I cut off. I won't get any water ingress into my
As a bit of additional info, I haven't direct-buried any 9913: i's all in conduit. That said, there's no guarantee that the conduit has remained perfectly dry. That said, I have seen no evidence what
Here's what I know about it: http://nepp.nasa.gov/WHISKER/index.html What I'd originally heard was that tin whiskers grew from non-lead containing solder. But this appears to not be the typical case,
That wasn't Peter, it was me. Peter is innocent! Yes, radiational heating was ignored in my analysis and that can heat the coax to very high temperatures without some sort of ventilation. I'd guess t
I've wondered about this, too. Yet, I have another connector that has been fine all this time, used on the same length of coax and has not yet given me any trouble. If it fails in the same way, I'll
I've been shunt-feeding my tower for awhile now using an L-network and a motor-drive to adjust a vacuum variable. Until recently, all has been just hunky-dory. However, last night it appeared that my
I should have mentioned that this is all on 160 m. Kim Elmore N5OP _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ TowerTalk mailing list TowerTalk@con
I'll double check the transmission line tomorrow. Surprisingly, no water got into the PL-259 and it was dry when I removed it. The tower is an HDBX-48 so it doesn't "shake" very well.. While I was do
All good questions! 48 ft plus a 40CD2 at 49 ft, DW3 at 52 ft, corner reflector at 52 ft, a KLM-KT34A at 56 ft, VHF discone at about 58 ft. See above. 48 ft Not enough (by a long shot) and all are in
Last night, when there were signals to be heard on 160 m, I began some listening tests. I have a set of K9Ay loops for low band rx. Even with a mismatch, the shunt fed vertical should hear well, but
As everyone now knows, I've pretty much overhauled my 160 m L-network match box that I use for feeding my shunt-fed tower after finding that I improperly used a PL-259 on the high-impedance output si
All I have is a Fluke 79 multimeter. It will read capacitance, but the lowest it goes is a nF range. At max capacitance, this vacuum variable will be at about 0.5 nF. I've found that this meter is pr
While it takes some work, this is statistically a no-brainer. What you need are sales records for pairs of houses in the same neighborhood around the same time. One house is near an Abominable Tower
I recently purchased a Green Heron RT-21 controller and am very happy with it. I'm curious about using the Ramp option with it, The manual says that they have found it doesn't work well with the T2X
I'm curious if anyone has had experience with a drop-in replacement for the T2X rotor that is tougher than the T2X. I've grown weary of my periodic repair of my pair of T2Xs and wonder if there's any
I have two T2X rotors and just replaced one that jammed with one I have recently rebuilt, complete with a new direction potentiometer. All was well until a couple of days ago, when I noticed that app
I wanted to let anyone curious know that my odd T2X behavior has been resolved. After speaking with Jeff, W2FU, I learned that Green Heron controller can be susceptible to AC induced on the direction
I have a modest tower (HDBX48) with the top of the mast at 56 ft. A local rental place will rent me a lift that can be towed and once at the site is mobile via a joystick so it cal be maneuvered to w
I had a Peet Bros. Unit and it was fine. I had issues with the physical wiring (critters) and do went to a Davis wireless unit. Be advised that the wireless units use a backup battery that needs peri