ORIGINAL MESSAGE: -- REPLY FOLLOWS -- I should have said "Nobody could be that stupid and live to adulthood". Bill W6WRT _______________________________________________ ______________________________
ORIGINAL MESSAGE: -- REPLY FOLLOWS -- We, or at least I, have no desire to discourage newcomers from asking questions. We (I) only request politely that the questions be in a form which does not requ
ORIGINAL MESSAGE: On Sun, 8 Jul 2007 19:28:29 -0500, "Gregg Seidl" <k9kl@centurytel.net> wrote: -- REPLY FOLLOWS -- If you are asking for people to show respect to each other while conversing, I woul
ORIGINAL MESSAGE: On Sun, 8 Jul 2007 20:00:58 -0400, "Glenn Edson" <k1ge@edson.org> wrote: -- REPLY FOLLOWS -- Can't you just cut the wires and re-splice them correctly? I looked at my G-1000DXA conn
ORIGINAL MESSAGE: -- REPLY FOLLOWS -- The kind of RTV sold in pet stores for making or patching glass aquariums is free of acetic acid. Fish are extremely sensitive to strange chemicals in their wate
As a general rule, I don't trust any ty-wraps to last when exposed to UV rays. By the time you find out if yours are any good it's too late. If at all possible, use either copper, aluminum or galvani
ORIGINAL MESSAGE: -- REPLY FOLLOWS -- I'm not clear on why you want to tape the coax to the mast. Mine is taped to the boom, circles around the mast and is taped to the tower. Never touches the mast
ORIGINAL MESSAGE: -- REPLY FOLLOWS -- I've never had more than one antenna on a mast, but I still don't like taping to the mast because it makes the loop small. Why not tape the upper antenna's coax
ORIGINAL MESSAGE: On Fri, 27 Jul 2007 10:04:02 -0400, "Doug Rehman" <rehman@surveil.com> wrote: -- REPLY FOLLOWS -- Could you install a lightning rod which would extend above the top of the antenna?
ORIGINAL MESSAGE: -- REPLY FOLLOWS -- The quantity of guns melted down vs the quantity of rebar produced annually would suggest that gun metal is a very small percentage. It was a good program, howev
ORIGINAL MESSAGE: -- REPLY FOLLOWS -- You could also slip a piece of one-inch white PVC pipe over the guy wires. Much easier to see and if run into, not nearly as likely to cause harm. Bill W6WRT ___
ORIGINAL MESSAGE: -- REPLY FOLLOWS -- Just when I think I've heard everything.... Bill W6WRT _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ TowerTalk
After many years of using trap dipoles and individual switched dipoles I recently put up a set of three parallel-connected dipoles (160/80/40) and was very pleasantly surprised how easily they were t
ORIGINAL MESSAGE: -- REPLY FOLLOWS -- I'd be glad to share. My tower is 80 feet tall and the three dipoles are in an inverted vee configuration with the apex at 70 feet. I cut them all to be about te
ORIGINAL MESSAGE: -- REPLY FOLLOWS -- I think another major factor can be fatigue. When you get really exhausted the mind loses much of its ability to concentrate. Bill W6WRT ________________________
ORIGINAL MESSAGE: -- REPLY FOLLOWS -- Is that Cincinnati, California? That sounds like the soil here in the Mojave Desert. :-) Bill W6WRT _______________________________________________ _____________
ORIGINAL MESSAGE: On Fri, 17 Aug 2007 09:16:53 -0600, Doug Renwick <ve5ra@sasktel.net> wrote: -- REPLY FOLLOWS -- Except to your wallet. For the price of a porcupine, you could buy a WinKey and be do
ORIGINAL MESSAGE: -- REPLY FOLLOWS -- Yep, right next to the wench. Bill W6WRT _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ TowerTalk mailing list T
ORIGINAL MESSAGE: On Sun, 19 Aug 2007 10:22:02 -0700 (PDT), steve d <kc8qvo@yahoo.com> wrote: -- REPLY FOLLOWS -- If you don't get any answers here, All Electronics usually has lots of these or somet