4-squares are not limited to 1/4 wave verticals. One can use any practical radiator length. The spacing of the verticals is independent from their length. 73 Peter, DJ7WW --Original Message-- From: t
I wonder about the interaction. I donīt think a VHF contester would install his antennas for 6m,2m and 70cm with only 2" separation 73 Peter, DJ7WW So he has 25`feet of unsupported tower above the to
TLDetails calculates additional 0.77db loss with 150 Ohm at the feed point and 0.8db at 16.67 Ohm with your example. With Belden 8262 of the same length the program shows additional losses of 1.19/1.
Yes, I just wanted to show how low the added losses are even at SWR3. I use also 75 ohm feed lines for my high dipoles and many length of old 60 ohm hard line for other antennas. 73 Peter My example
But contact pressure is sometimes more important then contact area. Some PL259 stuff is suffering from production and /or material quality more then type N 73 Peter, DJ7WW Your opinion is not even sl
No, I donīt buy them, I use 7/16 only for more then 30 years and replaced all PL259 by C connectors on the radios. But I replaced more worn SO239 sockets then type N on repairs of others equipment. T
When the tower is designed free standing and the guying only for additional safety I see no problem erecting the sections with a gin pole. I did the same with my tower but the sections are only 10 fe
No problem at all with Ecoflex 15 on the telsecoping LUSO towers at DR1D and never any connector problem, more then 1km of that cable is in use there just for tower cabling. http://www.pbase.com/df3k
I use Alumslip on all tubing, electrical connections and aluminium/stainless steel connections: http://s382616530.e-shop.info/.media/946110062288.png Great stuff! 73 Peter, DJ7WW --Original Message--
You will loose more then 20db on your 150 feet run. Even with 600 ohm true open wire 15db are gone. Tuner losses will add up on that. With single section W8JK antennas the use of folded dipoles is re
Sure, you can do the same with your mobile station. The original question however asked for the optimum. 73 Peter, DJ7WW I have never had an tower higher than 48 feet yet somehow have managed to work
It does not matter where you find them and what the size is. Lyme disease might be carried by any. Dogs might become infected by ticks as well. And yes, pull them out with tweezers as soon as possibl
No, the PST2051 would not survive. I have four of them and all four were damaged already with gear failures. Three had the same failure, the side bearing of the worm axis had been pushed out of the h
Very true, same on the PST2051 and lots of control box failures so far here as well. 73 Peter, DJ7WW A word of warning about the PST61... The PST61 looks man enough to turn most large antenna systems
Hi Jim, I did and used it for several years with excellent performance. I used the dimensions according to the HyGain manual. The beta match remains the same as on 20m. Has anyone converted a 205CA f
I use a 4 dipole array on 40m and 2 dipole array on 80m for Europe. Wish I could have one on 160m too. 73 Peter; DJ7WW A VHF repeater antenna for working DX on 80 and 160? I believe you have missed a
I helped to install LUSO towers at DL3KO together with LUSO engineers. All the tower cabling was lubricated with grease after erection and should be repeated regularly. . 73 Peter, DJ7WW I"m surprise
Amazing array, congratulations Tonno! Very effective lobes to NA/SA, JA/NA or JA/ZS at the same time will be made available by switching the 4 high stacked pairs out of phase in addition to vertical
I donīt see any reason for a common mode choke with my elevated vertical (fed tower). The coax screen is directly connected to the tower at the feed point and down where the coax leaves the tower. Th