Bob: I have used PP rotators for many years. I found a pot coupled to the PP by small chain or dial cord works well. Indicator was a large meter. I used a small variac into a xfmr/rectifier for smoot
Doug, I believe that hunters use special steps to reach their tree positions and I think I have seen them in sporting goods catalogs. Check Cabellos and others. 73, Dan, N5AR --Original Message-- Fro
I believe Cebik has discussed 2 band Moxons. As I remember it is not an easy design job. Check his web page. 73, Dan, N5AR Has anyone experimented with a nested pair of 40/30 moxons? I'm in the early
I just finished doing the setting of display to a desired value. 1. Press the upper Mode button for several seconds. press the CCW or CW to get the heading number you want. 3. Press the lower mode bu
Several people have asked to see a photo of my UST 131 ft crankup. Three were built originally for K7ZV, N5AR, and I believe N6BU. It has several unusual features. 1. It uses 3 lift cables between ea
Has anyone had recent experience with actual F12 delivery times vs that promised at purchase time ? 73. Dan, N5AR _______________________________________________ _____________________________________
Is anyone interested in a relay actually built to switch open wire transmission lines? It is DPDT with a wide ceramic cross arm supporting the contact arms. The base is a ceramic block 3x3 1/2 inches
Is there an easily available solvent for removing Alox and similar material? Tnx, Dan, N5AR _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ TowerTalk m
I recently acquired a used S 402 M beam. It was originally purchased in 1992. The loading coils were purchased later and, I am told, are a bit different from the original ones. I installed it at 130
Attaboy Tom. We need more hams who build their own antennas and for that matter other ham equipment. The most important thing you can do to improve your antennas is install a choke on the coax where
I was about to post a suggestion to see K9YC's thorough discussion on feed line chokes and much more when he posted this. There is a mountain of information there but to make a long story short, it a
If my memory is correct the original problem occurred when the bolts in the bottom of a OR2800, holding it to the mounting plate, loosened and fell out. I believe the rotator holes are tapped blind h
I picked up a roll of hardline with the following label. 84147 Andrew Radiax TMRX5-1R Coaxial Cable. It appears to be 7/8 stuff. There appears to be some sort of waxy material between the OD of the c
Tnx Gene: That all makes sense. Radiax for radiating coax which, I suspect, has openings in the metal outer and I bet the waxy stuff is to keep moisture from penetrating the dielectric from outside.
Bill: I think you are wasting your time with the trap dipoles. You can use the parallel dipole designs which are much more efficient as well as simpler. The same principle can be used for paralleled
Richards: I don't believe anyone has explained what AA5JG meant. P5 is the prefix for North Korea which is probably the rarest DXCC country to work. 7O is the prefix for Yeman another rare one, It is
I think there are 2 factors involved here. 1. Many hams are active in contesting. They usually use short messages stored in their computers to send to their contacts. One might be "599 EWA" in respon
I have 2 crankups, 72 and 131 ft and that is exactly how I do it. I put the antennas on them or remove them with the towers nested. 73, Dan, N5AR I'm considering a US Towers MA-550 tubular crank up.
imaginary ones. There is even a discussion of the practical significance of 2 or 3 db.The short answer for your situation is that the difference is negligible. 73, Dan, N5AR Has anyone compared in r
I have 2 crankup UST towers. The tall one has a winch with power pull down. The pull down cable connects to the bottom of the top section thru a small assembly with a compression spring with a bolt t