The Gap Voyager makes a good 40/75/80 vertical antenna, though it is longer than 25 feet and, therefore, does require guys. See 73, Dick -- Dick Flanagan W6OLD
I can't disagree that much. I've worked a dozen or so countries with mine on 160, but that was probably in spite of the Voyage, not because of it. 20 is much the same. I use mine as a backup for 40-8
I don't know whether the cow/lightning story is real, but the premise is valid and well-known. There have been documented cases where horse-mounted police had their horses die under them as they appr
Are you headed to Antarctica? Know somebody who is? Here's a way you can help KC4AAA get on bands other than 20 meters. A thread on the reflector addressed working KC4AAA on b
To: <> If you're building a new house you have the luxury of doing things right. I'm surprised no one has jumped up and down insisting you install a single point ground window
The epoxy concrete bonding adhesive I used when I had to two-pour my nine-yard tower foundation was a Five Star product. It comes in two one-gallon cans, each half full. When it is time to apply, you
I have a similar situation and I received the following advice from two Polyphaser application engineers: three lightning arrestors on each line from tower to house. One arrestor at the top of the to
Can you imagine climbing a tower that had been QA'ed by MFJ??? ::shudder:: 73, Dick -- Dick Flanagan W6OLD OOTC CFII Minden, Nevada Visit
Pinning the mast will void some rotor warranties. The M2 Orion comes to mind. Clamp the mast as tight if you can. If it slips: loosen, reorient, retighten. That's usually cheaper than replacing the r
I just picked up a copy of EZNEC 3 in preparation for the ARRL modeling course. Is there a repository of EZNEC files for the more common (or uncommon) amateur antennas? 73, Dick -- Dick Flanagan W6OL
I originally asked about the availability of EZNEC modeling files. I was referred to a couple of Cebik's pages: and then to http://www.
If you're going to lay them in a trench, you don't need the strength (and cost) of a steel rod. Get some thin-wall copper tubing at the local hardware store. I used two-inch copper strap at the bott
Really? I use mine at least once a year when I run my annual preventative maintenance party on my tower and stack. It is a UST HDX572-MDPL with a 16-foot stack. I don't believe in climbing crank-ups
To: <> Ontario Surplus in New York. They have all the parts as well as complete assemblies. Good people to work with. 73, Dick -- Di
The following is from Dennis K7BV in Carson City, Nevada. Please contact him at == Okay, you tough shoppers, you have sweated me out and won. I still haven't sold my motorized HDX555 (ne
Absolutely. I bought my 3/8" wall 4130 from Tom. Check 73, Dick -- Dick Flanagan W6OLD CFII Minden, Nevada NEW e-mail address: __________________
I received the following message today. Could someone on the reflector respond to Gavin? I know nothing about the DIS72 antenna he is referring to. If someone could, please respond directly to him at