If I am not wrong, you can use a "differential probe" (it is basically a balun), or measure every wire to ground separately, then do some maths. Someone more skilled will confirm. 73, Maximo How do I
There are fibre optic or Wi-Fi rotator controller available already (Green Heron for example). For the tower location, it is worth to remember that once you have two towers, at the correct separation
It sounds fantastic to me. I use to run NEC2 quite often and sometimes I would like to compare results with NEC4, just in case. Sometimes I ask a good friend with NEC4 to run it for me, so to be able
You can consider Optibeam as well. They have very fine models, big beams as well. 73, Maximo <http://foro.ea1ddo.es/> ________________________________ De: TowerTalk <towertalk-bounces@contesting.com>
This link is working for me; https://mgs4u.com/ 73, Maximo Some time ago (two years) I bought some 1.75 inch diameter fiberglass Rod to use as a center insulator for my 40 meter Moxon project. I boug
Before to get or use a balun 1:1 or choke, be sure it offers the required amount of impedance, and it is located in the frequencies of interest. Some chokes are centered on high bands, others on low
I need to say that my comment was just an example. Perhaps it is not the best example, but it was the first I found. That model or maker is NOT my recommendation. Apologizes for the confusion. 73, Ma
Hi Joe, I've recently made a vertical antenna for 40m band, first with one radial only, on the beach. Then two elevated radials on my back yard as well. Perhaps you can get some ideas: http://ea1ddo.
Interesting. Never though on that. Perhaps, Some kind of "sleeve balun" ? Grounding the coax's sleeve at 1/4 wl from antenna base. Thanks. 73, Maximo <http://foro.ea1ddo.es/> _______________________
Rob, How they use to do that optimization? Thanks 73, Maximo Rob, I've been a broadcast engineer for 40 years, and of course radials are mandatory with a vertical radiator, but one of the main reaso
NanoVNA about and links: https://nanovna.com/ 73, Maximo <http://foro.ea1ddo.es/> It has been a while since I kept up to date on it, but this link shows what I believe to be the safest bet to get the
Hi, I use to set my wire antennas as plain copper in when modelling in NEC. In the case I would like to get closer to reality and set enamelled copper wire in NEC... I don't know what kind of propert
Hi Jim, House wire has around 5% effects. I always say to use 95% VF as average for that kind on insulated wire. But enamelled copper wire I understand will be much less, but even 1% on a dipole for
I think I found it. I can see most enamelled copper wires use polyurethane as enamel product. 4NEC2 has a list of materials but unfortunately polyurethane is not included. But I found the dielectric
For wire antennas best is the wire called "Copperweld" or "DX Wire". It is a hard steel core surrounded by thick copper, then insulation. It gets the mechanical strength from steel, no stretching, an
Elevated radials? 73, Maximo <http://foro.ea1ddo.es/> Given those constraints, I would take a 4SQ over whatever ground I could manage vs. about anything else mentioned. 73/jeff/ac0c alpha-charlie-ze
Not Yagi, but Quad: Bi-band 10m/15m Cubical Quad<https://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&pto=aue&rurl=translate.google.co.uk&sl=es&sp=nmt4&tl=en&u=http://www.ea1ddo.es/Quad_Biband
Just to add, the salt water gets inland, underneath the soil, for some distance. So, even if you only see sand, underneath sand is salt water as well, at some deep, depending on multiple factors. 73,
Perhaps is a good idea to start talking in wavelenghts instead of absolute feet/meters. 73, Maximo Visita y registrarte mi nuevo canal en YouTube EA1DDO Ham Radio<https://www.youtube.com/c/EA1DDOHamR