I have 2 - 20M 4 el yagis at 1/2wl and 1wl My terrain to EU is steep and favorable. Within 200 ft of the tower base it drops off 110 ft. I have extensively modelled with HFTA and done A LOT of on the
Superflex cable is called from the hard coax point of view, but this Superflex has solid copper core. I think is not a good idea to keep a solid copper core turning and un-turning it that ofthen, wil
I can see Ultraflex cables from 0.2" up to half inch; Ultraflexibles & Rotors https://messi.it/en/catalogue/50-ohm-cables--ham-radio-/ultraflexibles-.htm <http://foro.ea1ddo.es/> ____________________
I always heard stranded cables are more appropiated for that turning task, but I am not cable expert. If you check bending radius, stranded cables have smaller radius than solid core. 73, Maximo ____
Have you seen MyAntennas.com<https://myantennas.com/wp/product-category/balun/11-baluns/> baluns ? Worth to visit. This guy make them best in class, I guess are same level or higher than DXE and Balu
Jim, you know, I am still learning. After 38 years in ham radio, I am a beginner. As I said, it was "a guess" after some comments heard, EHam.net, etc. Talking about guesses... You know Lionel's VE7B
Has anyone purchased NEC5 already? Would be good to know if NEC5 engine works on 4NEC2. 73, Maximo <http://foro.ea1ddo.es/> So with no EZNEC Pro/5 in the foreseeable future, you would have purchase t
Well deserved. Congratulations !! 73, Maximo - EA1DDO --Original Message-- From: TowerTalk [mailto:towertalk-bounces@contesting.com] On Behalf Of k7lxc-- via TowerTalk Sent: sábado, 12 de septiembre
Hi Bill, It seems that terrain model is not realistic, according to you. At my home country, Spain, we can download DEM up to 5m resolution, very high. Usually 25m is enough. For worldwide coverage t
I am not an expert, but it seems they go down to 2m x 2m mesh resolution, and accuracy between 25 to 50 cm: https://translate.google.co.uk/translate?sl=es&tl=en&u=https%3A%2F%2Fpnoa.ign.es%2Fespecifi
Well, whole Spain in 75% of just Texas... Very impressive - Spain is doing (has done?) LIDAR for the entire country - They still have the "tree problem", but I don't think there's the kind of dense
Check this coaxial cables: https://messi.it/en/catalogue/50-ohm-cables-ham-radio.htm 73, Maximo RG213 is specified with 1300W on 6m 73 Peter --Original Message-- From: TowerTalk [mailto:towertalk-bou
Hi, Not sure if you are aware. https://www.dx-world.net/on4un-s-k/ John was a true gentleman and radio experimenter. His books are always on my bookshelf. R.I.P. <https://www.dx-world.net/on4un-s-k/>
Hi Jim, What you meant "NEC broken" ? Can´t you just download it again? I am trying to run your code but has several errors. What is XQ and PT? CM cross dipole test CM 10 degree skew CM antennas are
Hi Jim, As far as I know, for Cubical Quads, MiniNEC (Mmana) gets more accurate results than NEC2/4. I haven't tested myself but it's what I remember to read somewhere else. Do you know how NEC5 perf
Some gents wrote about that in the past. Just wondering if NEC5 has resolved those issues on NEC4, and overpassed MiniNEC, all of that from the loop (Quad) antenna. Perhaps for Yagi or verticals is a
I think the important point is the material they are made of. As far as I know, PVC is good for that, since it is UV, electricity and moisture resistant. But if your concern is the UV resistance, tha
Hi all, I normally use RG400 for chokes on FT240 toroids. Recently I've tryed RG402 semi-rigid coax cable, the "blue one". RF properties are quite similar, in fact RG402 seems to be a bit better than
I found next; 9.6 Vs 7.2 dB/100ft @ 400 Mhz 1900 Vs 2500 Vmax Type (/U) MIL-C-17 Z0() Dielectric Type Capacitance (pF/ft) O.D. (in.) dB/100 ft @400 MHz Vmax (rms) Shield RG-400 /128-RG400 50.0 ST 29
Just in case someone is interested; RG402 Datasheet https://www.pasternack.com/images/ProductPDF/RG402-U.pdf RG400 Datasheet https://www.pasternack.com/images/ProductPDF/RG400-U.pdf Just to add, RG40