Hi Jim, Happy Christmas. Regarding the test jig, Are you still using that one made of Teflon board with short coax tails to the D8SAQ ? Thanks 73, Máximo EA1DDO www.EA1DDO.es --Original Message-- F
Paul, there is a document somewhere showing S21 better (more accurate) results to S11. I need to look for that doc. 73, Máximo EA1DDO www.EA1DDO.es Jim (K9YC), When making Rs measurements are you u
Hi Rich, You can get a commercial choke showing in excess of 5K Ohm at 28 Mhz, up to 3Kw: https://myantennas.com/wp/product/cmc-130-3k/ If you prefer to build it yourself, you just need to follow Jim
Hi Rich, Not myself, but someone else in this group. It seems the device shows on the field the advertised specifications. The guy behind it is a RF engineer, coming from Cushcraft antennas. I would
Brian is a proper master. Thank you to share. 73, Maximo EA1DDO <http://foro.ea1ddo.es/> A ground probe lets you measure your local ground permittivity and conductivity for antenna analysis. Accurate
I always place a choke at feed point, and a second one at the other end of the feeder, at the radio shack. Both ends of the long coax got a choke. 73, Maximo EA1DDO <http://foro.ea1ddo.es/> The only
Dan, thank you for the heads up. 73, Maximo Máximo EA1DDO www.EA1DDO.es Roy Lewallen has corrected two v. 7.0.1 bugs: 1) The Far Field table (via the "FF Tab" button) did not include columns for re
It was a guyed tower, not freestanding. Of course I saw the picture. If it's guyed, it's a mast. A tower is freestanding. On Sunday, May 28, 2023 at 04:20:24 PM MST, David Gilbert <ab7echo@gmail.co
I can recommend the Iroda Solder Pro 120: https://pro-iroda.com/products/butane-soldering-irons/pro-120/ Up to 125 Watts Available worldwide, and in Amazon too. You can solder with cold and wind. Has
Hi all, 3M has released a new product called "PIM Absorber" which is an adhesive tape covered by ferrite powder. Despite it is marketed as "PIM absorber" for Ghz region, I wonder if it could be used
I can see there are other brands characterized for lower freqs. Attached. 73, Maximo Here is the spec sheet. No specifications below 700MHz. 73, Henry - K4TMC 3M has released a new product called "PI
Good to know I was not fully wrong then. Laird stuff: https://www.laird.com/products/inductive-components-emc-components-and-ferrite-cores/ferrite-sheets Thanks Jim. 73, Maximo EA1DDO --Original Mess
Personally, I never include the leads. We should try to get them as short as possible. Then, if the design has never tested before... Some adjustment are highly likely. 73, Maximo EA1DDO Those who us
Hi Stan, I would suggest, instead of cutting pieces of coax to test different phases, use a "Phaser": https://www.k5ua.com/technical.htm You can easily convert an antenna tuner into a "Antenna Phaser
As far as I know, yes, that cable length will count as phasing. 73, Maximo EA1DDO Building a set of phased verticals and the phasing lines are critical (of course) so my question here: by adding 18 i
Hi Dave, As far as I know, that is the standard behaviour. Current is the key point in antennas. 73, Maximo I've been using EZNEC Pro/2 to try to model the effects of dielectric loading on a wire ant