Eddie: Use a pair of through-bolts (1/4" SS) and hardware instead of rivets. Much sturdier. 73 de Gene Smar AD3F the Weather Stations", and lot's more. Call Toll Free, 1-800-333-9041 with any questio
TT: My county government gives me annual proof of how erroneous that argument really is - my property appraisal letter. Property taxes never have gone down, even AFTER I installed my tower. (Bet my n
Rich: I just poseted an almost identical letter. You and I must live in the same jurisdiction - The Peoples' Republic of Montgomery County, Maryland. 73 de Gene Smar AD3F be tax were interested could
Mark: What I believe I know about the pier/pad style of foundation is that it exploits the mechanical properties of the covering soil. (Short tutorial for those who care: a pier and pad foundation co
Morel: Try Joel at RF Connections (www.therfc.com) in Maryland. I bought about a half a dozen Polyphasers from him a few years ago. FYI - Joel and I are both members of PVRC but no other commercial c
Doug: http://www.harger.com/ . 73 de Gene Smar AD3F Weather Stations", and lot's more. Call Toll Free, 1-800-333-9041 with any questions and ask for Sherman, W2FLA. __________________________________
Al: I had asked a similar question of this reflector a few years ago when I was considering installing mast-mounted pre-amps for V/UHF Yagis above my tribander. I was concerned about HF RF frying the
Rich: Yahoo! turned up this among other sources for schematics: http://www.dk3red.homepage.t-online.de/en/x28.htm . 73 de Gene Smar AD3F Weather Stations", and lot's more. Call Toll Free, 1-800-333-9
Of course: True North! 73 de Gene Smar AD3F I enjoy the chuckle! Is there a preferred direction toward which the golfer should face? 73 de WOØW : -) ___________________________________________
Robert: I homebrewed a balun for my 3L Yagi. I'm not sure how to tell if it's doing any good, but I installed one 'cuz the manufacturer said I ought to. Unlike you I wound mine as a separate unit, wi
Craig: I've seen this done on many of my projects when I designed electrical power distribution substations for a power company. Typically this technique is used when one crew installs facilities lik
Gary: There are a couple of reasons to install the PVC sweep inside the concrete tower base: 1. Minimize total number of sweeps needed. In the case of my tower, I installed a 3 inch PVC (way too smal
TT: [SNIP] either no longer have an HOA and/or have never enforced them, they (CC&Rs) are not "null and void." Lots of people have ended up in court for years believing otherwise and lost. Also remem
TT: Polyphaser and ICE and other types of lightning suppressors shunt to ground the lightning energy that is injected onto the center conductor of the coax. Let's all agree on that point. How they do
Bill: You're gonna have to rent a crane, it looks like. Instead, rent a man-bucket. Then you and the element ride the thing up to the boom. Then you come back down alone. Capish? 73 de Gene Smar AD3F
Tom: I rented a Georgia Buggy for my tower project. Thankfully, I didn't need it as the mixer driver was very skilled and he backed up right next to the hole to dump the concrete. However, I would ca
Tom: I agree on the <cheaper> part. Less concrete needed because you have three sets of guy wires resisting the forces that one large block of concrete of a self-supporting tower would otherwise resi
Joe: I suggest two alternatives: 1. Lower your existing inverted V to around 50 feet or so and make it a dipole. Allow the ends to droop a bit if you have to, but not too close to the ground. 2. Erec
Warren: The key to what your electrician friend said is <I have used this process to weld bonding wires to steel columns in high rise buildings.> Amateur towers are not made from thick steel members
Bill: This looks like something called an EIA Flange. Typically used on high-powered transmitter circuits like in the Broadcast Service. Suggest you do a Google search and look for sources of such co