Ken: I used a rented Ditchwitch to dig the trench for my 3-inch conduit system to my tower. It cost me something like $100 for a day and the rental store delivered it and picked it up. Check out the
Mike: You're correct - the BX-series of antennas has a torque limit on them. This is because they are assembled with rivets, not welds, between the cross pieces and between the cross pieces and the l
Bob: Which model Trylon tower is riveted? I own a T-500-64 (Trylon's Titan design) and I built the thing myself with SS bolts and associated HW. I didn't want readers to think that ALL Trylons were r
Rob: Until I installed a tower plus associated conduit runs into the shack, my coax came out of the house through a clothes drier vent that covered a series of holes in the wood frame of the shack, d
TT: As I've written here before: On towers, like while driving, there are no such things as ACCIDENTS. Think before you climb. Thanks, Steve. 73 de Gene Smar AD3F ____________________________________
Gary: Several on this list have grounded their parasitic elements of their F12 design Yagis. Nathan (W6XR?) of F12 posted here ca Summer/Fall of 2001 that such grounding was indeed possible at the bo
Nope - my Novice antenna was a three-band (80/40/20M) spiderweb dipole just as you described. Later on, in an apartment, I used a 40/20M version in the attic to work a US employee of E-Systems in the
Bob: A while back (ca 1995!) W3LPL compiled a table of coax cables vs loss. You can find one source here: . Frank recommended (elsewhere) that coax
Scott: The August 1996 issue of QST ran an article titled, "Install a House-Bracketed Tower--the Right Way!" by K1KP. Tony describes the engineering work that went into his house-bracketed tower inst
Tom: Let's cut to the chase: Should I find an engineer with real tower Yes. Too much liability for you to do this on your own, based on the questions you're asking of us here. 73 de Gene Smar AD3F __
Bud: Arizona - ice loading? Are they serious? Your tower won't endure until the next Ice Age so ...? GL es 73 de Gene Smar AD3F _______________________________________________ _______________________
Ricky: Numbers based mainly on my Trylon tower experience in 2001: 1. Concrete, delivered and emplaced: $75/cuyd. 2. Rebar, appr. 200 lbs, plus tie wire: $100 3. Framing lumber for concrete cap: $20-
Doug: The resonant freq should INCREASE, but by how much is anyone's guess. However, I, too, have a D40 and found that its resonant freq and BW were exactly according to specs in the assembly manual.
TT: I believe the article to which Jim refers can be found in NCJ Jan/Feb 1992, which itself is a reprint of two articles by Stan W7NI from the Sept/Oct 1982 and March/April 1983 (ancient history!) N
Gents: I never pass up an opportunity to remind: On a tower as behind the wheel of a car, there is no such thing as an <accident.> Let's be careful out there. 73 de Gene Smar AD3F ___________________
Tony: We used commercial Trylon self-supporting towers for ALL of our cell sites on a project I worked on in Haiti. I believe they are all still standing after fours hurricane seasons. These monsters
TT: Sorry - I made my mistake for this week in my posting about my Trylon Tower. The pallet size was more like 8 feet by 5 feet, not 5 feet square. Not sure why I thought that, but my excuse is I've
TT: I believe Chris intended this for the entire reflector to see. Chris: As you can tell from my posting, I've had some experience with Trylon professionally as well as in my Amateur station. They'r
Bob: When I first installed the ComTek RCB-5 remote switch on my tower, I had to change twice all the LEDs on the indoor control box. Over a period of a few weeks in late summer, I lost all five a co
Brian: My comments embedded below. 73 de Gene Smar AD3F As others here have told you and will tell you, keep the electric service out of the coax/control cable conduits. Run a separate conduit or use