Rob: Use a block of wood. My Rohn catalog from ca 1987 carried a thing they called an Amateur Block (P/N AB) that was intended to be bolted onto a flat top plate. It was nothing more than a block of
Warren: I got mine from The RF Connection ( ) in Gaithersburg, MD. 73 de Gene Smar AD3F Greetings, My new home builder has accelerated things. So that the electrician does not hose me,
Bill: A few months ago I used crimp-on connectors from The RF Connection ( ) for a half-dozen coax runs for the local club's UHF repeater. That was the first time I tried crimp-ons and
Peter et al: IMHO, the two occupations whose practitioners don't get paid enough are coal miners and HV bare-hand linemen. God bless them all. 73 de Gene Smar AD3F (Former EE at local electric utilit
Gregg: Irrespective of which model riveter you buy, allow me to pass along a couple of tips I learned here on TT that really work: o When you assemble an antenna element (F12, Bencher, Acme, etc.), i
Noel: When I installed my HF Yagi in 2001 I followed the advice on the URL below. But after I had wound the solenoid for 20-10M use, I used my MFJ-259 analyzer to measure the impedance of the balun's
Ed: I'm thinking of 'LXC's maxim: Do what the manufacturer says. No anti-ox between tower leg sections. 73 de Gene Smar AD3F Planning a new tower installation using a Trylon SuperTitan T300. I was wo
Bill: Your suggestions for providing drainage at the sweeps and along the conduit length will work fine. I did that for my 50+ feet of 3 inch PVC to my tower. I haven't had occasion to check on the c
Greg: See below. 73 de Gene Smar AD3F The three-hooked strap you're referring to can be seen here: . I bought one of these last year. It includes a shock-abs
Noel: I can answer this one. I got this tip from Steve K7LXC when I bought my Trylon T-500-64 from him in 2001. This procedure assumes you are not building each section from pieces, but are assemblin
Dick: I went with a self-supporting Trylon myself six years ago. I had almost no choice but to go with a non-guyed tower; my back yard is very small and the guys would have been draped over the house
Peter: Jerry speaks the truth. A rented trencher, like a Ditchwitch, would make short work of your trenching project. I dug trenches for my grounding wires and for my conduit system in one day with a
Peter: My comments embedded below. 73 de Gene Smr AD3F The problem with a ditchwitch is it seriously wrecks the lawn - a real no-no here. With summer here, guests over, etc, that won't fly with the w
John et al: ....some people are becoming concerned about the possibility of harmful emissions, when these structures are placed within a certain distance of schools etc. John G3JVC. That was the same
Greg: A few months back I did up a set of such crimp connectors for our club's repeater's main site (4 UHF link RXs.) I was impressed with the ease with which the connectors all went together. The tr
Roger: Yes, you are correct. It was N conncetors that I had been crimping. But I'd also use the same method for PL-259s when the need arises. Borrowing the club's crimper makes the decision a lot les
Roger: Yes, you are correct. It was N conncetors that I had been crimping. But I'd also use the same method for PL-259s when the need arises. Borrowing the club's crimper makes the decision a lot les
Roger: Yes, you are correct. It was N conncetors that I had been crimping. But I'd also use the same method for PL-259s when the need arises. Borrowing the club's crimper makes the decision a lot les
Jeff: I agree with George - R25/45/55/65 is probably too thin to Cadweld to directly. Such high temps could weaken the metal at the place of welding and down she comes. When I worked as an engineer a
Bill: <snip> I was wondering if maybe gamma matching the tower with multiple radials would provide a significant improvement on 160M? <snip> The saying is very true on Topband: You can never have eno