I looked at the K7MI pix. Nice antenna installation. I am amazed however that Rohn 45 is used to hold up that much aluminum. Rohn 45 is rated at about 24 sq ft of load. Tower #1 must be better than t
My guys are constructed such that there is 25 or so feet, measured vertically of EHS going from the loweest turnbuckle to the Phyllistran. That insures if ever there is a grass fire here that the phy
If it were my property and trees and assuming the trees are generally in a north/south plane I would first consider using an 80 meter half square, and alternately one or two delta loops, apex up fed
Barry: build a water drill out of a piece of plastic pipe a bit bigger than what you want to bury. Use some fittings to connect a water hose to one end. Turn on the water and work your way under the
Yep compressed air is wonderful stuff. Cleans out lots of things while making others very dirty indeed. For those of you who are common sense challenged a plunger works much better on those nasty plu
Ed and all: There is a UHF connector for RG213-214 that goes on almost like an N connector. It needs only soldering of the center pin. I think this is one of the best kept secrets in ham radio. I do
Best source I know of is http://www.mgs4u.com/ He is competitive, honest and fair. You will purchase a tested vac variable here, and maybe not on the auction sites. 73 bob de w9ge ___________________
Perhaps I am the only one who read the question differently. I thought he said switching between TWO feedlines. For that most of the switches recommended are overkill me thinks. For only two feedline
And some of us outlive the average lifespan of 74 for a male. Like your friends tower some of us are lucky, have good genes or a guardian angel. I'm happy his tower is still up. Hope it stays there f
A few days ago we had a discussion re pl259's. I mentioned there is a pl259 type that goes on like an N connector and I love them. Joel W3RFC at "The RF Connection" was kind enough to send me the par
I recently acquired a Green Heron RT20 for use on my rotating tower with an M2 2800 rotator Works flawlessly and is easy to point and shoot with it. I needed more pulses than were available and they
The OptiBeam design gives you the lowest wind load when the element ends are pointed into the wind. This is not the case for all yagi designs. You should run the calculations to determine if the boom
SomeOptiBeams booms are round and some are square. Either boom type is designed to ride the wind with the element ends pointed into the wind. 73 bob de w9ge __________________________________________
Fascinating. How did you suspend Rohn 25 45 ft above the required .8 cu yard block????? To convert your Rohn 25 base to handle Rohn 45 cut off the Rohn 25 at the base, make the concrete essentially f
I second the recommendation of Larry. I run the Green Heron on an M2 2800 driving a rotating tower. It is superb, as is the owner/designer/chief mechanic/head programmer. 73 bob de w9ge _____________
Delta loops for 40 aand 80 work very well. Feed it 1/4 wave down from the apex at night for low angle and feed it in the middle of the bottom leg during the day making it a cloud warmer. I feed delta
Unfortunately it has become the American way. We used to be supportive of our neighbors and their right to do pretty much as they pleased on their property. Now it is a me myself and I way. What I wa
I think what they meant is if you construct it as a guyed tower it is not self supporting at any height. That is what it says. A bracketed tower is neither guyed nor free standing so the comment does
Anything can cause failure if improperly installed. Phyllistran has more stretch than does EHS. My suggestion is to install the first 30 feet of guy line from the tower down using phyllistran and com