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Total 116 documents matching your query.

41. [TowerTalk] Tower, mast and ground anchor design. (score: 1)
Author: "John E. Cleeve" <>
Date: Sun, 01 Nov 2009 06:29:53 -0800
Gentlemen, Whilst in the process of obtaining design and installation information about towers, masts and ground anchors, I found and obtained a copy of a book called "Communication Structures" writt
/archives//html/Towertalk/2009-11/msg00003.html (7,182 bytes)

42. [TowerTalk] "Roll your own" tower/mast. (score: 1)
Author: "John E. Cleeve" <>
Date: Sat, 23 Jan 2010 18:36:03 -0800
Gentlemen, I would be grateful for constructive comment on the following problem. I am in the market for a couple of 100ft towers or masts, the problem is that in the UK there are very few manufactur
/archives//html/Towertalk/2010-01/msg00623.html (9,480 bytes)

43. [TowerTalk] "Roll your own" tower/mast. (score: 1)
Author: "John E. Cleeve" <>
Date: Sun, 24 Jan 2010 04:52:14 -0800
I thank everyone who took the time to consider my request and provided useful information. I have used "Alumast" sections in the past, whilst working in Sweden, where they were manufactured, however,
/archives//html/Towertalk/2010-01/msg00641.html (11,715 bytes)

44. Re: [TowerTalk] "Roll your own" tower/mast. (score: 1)
Author: "John E. Cleeve" <>
Date: Sun, 24 Jan 2010 07:50:43 -0800
Hello John, Thanks for your response. My intention is to use the masts/towers as the supports for LF wire antenna systems; I already have a Strumech P60 for my HF array and a Hilomast tubular alumini
/archives//html/Towertalk/2010-01/msg00648.html (17,904 bytes)

45. Re: [TowerTalk] "Roll your own" tower/mast. (score: 1)
Author: "John E. Cleeve" <>
Date: Sun, 24 Jan 2010 11:17:49 -0800
Hello jimlux, thank you for your response and suggestions. I will take all your points into consideration, and I can confirm that access to the site is clear, and any lifting problems can easily be r
/archives//html/Towertalk/2010-01/msg00667.html (12,577 bytes)

46. Re: [TowerTalk] "Roll your own" tower/mast. (score: 1)
Author: "John E. Cleeve" <>
Date: Sun, 24 Jan 2010 11:41:40 -0800
Hello Chris, Such situations sometimes occur in the UK, but our power distribution system in country areas is carried across the fields at high voltage on relatively short poles, probably not much mo
/archives//html/Towertalk/2010-01/msg00669.html (16,905 bytes)

47. [TowerTalk] Mast/Tower erection (score: 1)
Author: "John E. Cleeve" <>
Date: Fri, 26 Mar 2010 08:09:08 -0800
Gentlemen, Some may recall my fairly recent enquiry regarding the sources of ex WWII masts, as used by the RAF during the 1950's, I have now located a source of this information, and the detail may b
/archives//html/Towertalk/2010-03/msg00542.html (8,184 bytes)

48. [TowerTalk] RAF masts. Link correction. (score: 1)
Author: "John E. Cleeve" <>
Date: Fri, 26 Mar 2010 08:15:58 -0800
Gentlemen, I apologise for an error in typing the link for the RAF mast information, in my previous email. It should read John G3JVC/GM3JVC. _____________________
/archives//html/Towertalk/2010-03/msg00543.html (7,151 bytes)

49. Re: [TowerTalk] Hygain 18AVT trap for 20mtr/40mtr (score: 1)
Author: "John E. Cleeve" <>
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 10:37:09 +0100
Hello Bob, I have used, and still have and 18AVT/WB which has served me well for many years, both in the UK and abroad. However, there have been trap problems, but all off which were repairable. To g
/archives//html/Towertalk/2010-04/msg00417.html (10,394 bytes)

50. Re: [TowerTalk] Spectral Analyzer (score: 1)
Author: "John E. Cleeve" <>
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 11:39:53 +0100
Try this UK firm Telford Electronics; they carry all sorts of equipment and manuals good luck, John. G3JVC. Hi, I am crucially looking for service manual and schemati
/archives//html/Towertalk/2010-04/msg00419.html (7,924 bytes)

51. Re: [TowerTalk] Hygain 18AVT trap for 20mtr/40mtr (score: 1)
Author: "John E. Cleeve" <>
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 13:41:13 +0100
Hello Bob, Pity about the missing traps, but I am glad you were able to diagnose the problem with the 15m trap. Now you can see how they were made, it should not be difficult to obtain plastic tube o
/archives//html/Towertalk/2010-04/msg00424.html (15,589 bytes)

52. Re: [TowerTalk] Hygain 18AVT trap for 20mtr/40mtr (score: 1)
Author: "John E. Cleeve" <>
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 19:53:57 +0100
Hello Bob, I am not familiar with Folgers Coffee cans, but as long as they are made from aluminium and not tin plate, which would eventually rust, they might be fine. If I were in your position, then
/archives//html/Towertalk/2010-04/msg00442.html (20,852 bytes)

53. Re: [TowerTalk] Hygain 18AVT trap for 20mtr/40mtr (score: 1)
Author: "John E. Cleeve" <>
Date: Thu, 15 Apr 2010 10:34:01 +0100
Hello Bob, I am glad you got the article on trap design and assembly, the copy to towertalk has not appeared, a rejected html I presume. OK, now to winding the coil, take a length of copper/aluminium
/archives//html/Towertalk/2010-04/msg00474.html (48,245 bytes)

54. [TowerTalk] Cushcraft Thunderbird traps. (score: 1)
Author: "John E. Cleeve" <>
Date: Thu, 15 Apr 2010 18:59:33 +0100
Good afternoon gentlemen, I have to mention, off topic" that it is so quiet around here today, I can hear myself think once again. My Qth being about 20m from Heathrow.the entire UK airspace, togethe
/archives//html/Towertalk/2010-04/msg00479.html (8,601 bytes)

55. Re: [TowerTalk] Freestanding tower, narrow city lot (score: 1)
Author: "John E. Cleeve" <>
Date: Mon, 19 Apr 2010 13:10:21 +0100
I have been following the contributions on this topic with interest. a 45 degree angle for the supporting guys for a mast/tower, could the guying method used to provide support for a ship or yacht ma
/archives//html/Towertalk/2010-04/msg00524.html (11,392 bytes)

56. Re: [TowerTalk] US Tower damaged by lightning (score: 1)
Author: "John E. Cleeve" <>
Date: Thu, 29 Apr 2010 10:29:44 +0100
This is a very serious topic, can I refer the group once again to a book published in 2008 called "The Art and Science of Lightning Protection" The author, Professor Martin A. Uman PhD is a very expe
/archives//html/Towertalk/2010-04/msg00967.html (12,229 bytes)

57. [TowerTalk] The Art and Science of Lightning Protection. Uman. (score: 1)
Author: "John E. Cleeve" <>
Date: Thu, 29 Apr 2010 19:38:15 +0100
Gentlemen, I have just checked Amazon UK; they have new copies of the book from GBP 42.70, with one stockist asking GBP 440 (they must be from another planet). Amazon UK also have used copies of the
/archives//html/Towertalk/2010-04/msg00979.html (7,331 bytes)

58. Re: [TowerTalk] Loran Tower (score: 1)
Author: "John E. Cleeve" <>
Date: Wed, 5 May 2010 10:35:39 +0100
Well now, Back in 2000, the UK went down the same route Loran closure, and destroyed all the Loran sites, and sold the land back to the farmers etc.....then, so I am told, the military said that the
/archives//html/Towertalk/2010-05/msg00119.html (9,795 bytes)

59. Re: [TowerTalk] Loran Tower (score: 1)
Author: "John E. Cleeve" <>
Date: Wed, 5 May 2010 19:18:46 +0100
So, if that prediction is correct, then it's hardly worth renewing my subscription to the human race then! John G3JVC --Original Message-- From: [mailto:towertalk-bou
/archives//html/Towertalk/2010-05/msg00128.html (10,052 bytes)

60. Re: [TowerTalk] Lighting protection for roof mounted tower (score: 1)
Author: "John E. Cleeve" <>
Date: Thu, 13 May 2010 08:08:36 +0100
Hello Ray, I think that you would be well advised to read and absorb the contents of this publication.....NASA did. This is a very serious topic, can I refer the group once again to a book published
/archives//html/Towertalk/2010-05/msg00257.html (8,641 bytes)

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