Gene you must be a troll. :>) >:) As I first answered, no perceptible difference at the other end. All of the power will be radiated in either case except for a very small amount of feed line loss as
I have lots of (several hundred) 3" x 30 foot lengths of irrigation pipe for sale. It even has the couplers and sprinklers with it! $35.00 each. Pipe is located in North East Wisconsin. Pick up only.
I will bet if he painted those elements black he would get even more gain! :>) 73 Gary K4FMX _______________________________________________ See: for "Self Supporting Towers
You should normally figure ground rods spaced at twice their length in average soil. So with 8 foot rods the spacing would be about 16 feet. Any closer and it does little good. However with dryer soi
Increasing the surface area of a ground rod does little to increase conductance. It is length that counts. That is the reason for spacing rods some distance apart rather than having them close togeth
A more accurate way of modeling the system would be for the resistance and capacitance to be in series. There is a time constant involved in the dissipation of energy to earth. The resistance of the
Don't kid yourselves into thinking you are "distributing the load" over two or more thrust bearings. It is almost impossible to do unless the tower is being compressed as you add antennas. If you mou
The whole idea of using a large iron to solder the plug with is to get the job done quickly with enough localized heat so you don't spread so much heat to the coax. By preheating the plug you have de
Hi Ian, About 20 years or so ago I built a remote HF station that ran on a radio link. For the controls I used a UART chip at each end. This gave parallel to serial and serial back to parallel at the
Why shouldn't the requirement for a ham ticket be a minimum of a 4 year EE degree? 73 Gary K4FMX _______________________________________________ See: for "Self Supporting To
Control transformers do have 3 windings on both the stator and rotor. They are used to do offsets in a system. They are installed in the 3 stator lines between the transmitter and receiver. The 3 tra
A lot of people are under the impression that the higher the current in a particular part of the antenna the greater the radiation from that part. That is not the case. In the instance of a quarter w
Radiation resistance increases along the length of an antenna. Higher radiation resistance means less current for a given amount of power. 73 Gary K4FMX ______________________________________________
Hi Tom, I agree with you on the definition of radiation resistance as being the equivalent resistance that a given amount of current passed through it causes an amount of power to be radiated. I squa
Some may be surprised upon opening up one of those whole house protectors to find that most are nothing more than a can filled with sand and a heavy duty spark gap inside. The sand is there to quench
It means that when the drum is empty you can pull 2500 lbs. with the winch. When the drum is full of cable you can only pull 1500 lbs. with the winch. You have more mechanical advantage with an empty
Ground is to be connected to neutral only at the main service disconnect point. The power company also grounds neutral at the transformer. 73 Gary K4FMX ______________________________________________
That is one way to do it. But as another poster relayed, finding the volume of the reel and the volume of the cable is a much easier way to do it. Then you don't care how many layers or turns are on
Maybe I am misunderstanding what you are saying the article says? I don't have the article. That is the correct way to do it provided the "panel" is the main service disconnect. If the panel is a sub
Sorry bill, I was trying to make a clearer statement out of what you were quoting from the article. If that is exactly What they are saying then the article doesn't make sense. Maybe you are reading