Hi Roger, Is that also a Hi-tower vertical on the end of your garage? I wonder what you think of it compared to your half slopers? I'm trying to figure out a 80/160 antenna. Thanks for your inp
Hi guys, My triex w51 crankup folded over in a windstorm the other day. I'm going to have to do some cutting on it to get it all the way down and apart. What is the best way to cut this stuff?
Thanks for all the input. I think the reciprocating saw sounds good to me... seems like the worst that can happen is a cut on a finger... rather then a finger cut off ... shard in the eye... etc, et
Hi guys, I've got a 51' tower with a tribander at about 56'. I've also got a 40/80/160 trap inv vee hanging at about 50' off the tower. 40 works reasonably well, 80 just ok and 160 pretty much no
I'm looking at the Steppir DB18 10 thru 40 meter yagi. I'm thinking about also mounting a Steppir 10 thru 40 meter dipole on the same mast, rotated 90 degrees from the yagi. I'd like the ability to
I recently built 2 verticals for 80 and 160 by shuntfeeding my tower. They both seem to load nicely and are broadbanded, partly because of an insufficient radial system. When I transmit on either
Thanks for the ideas on the rf in the rotator control. Got enough feedback that I wasn't worried about damage to the rotator so I went ahead and did my testing at KW. Sure enuff, the new 80M vertic
Hi TowerTalkians, I had someone ask about my shuntfed 80/160 vertical and after replying and explaining the whole thing to him I thought someone else might be interested so am forwarding this. I"m
I've got a used HyTower vertical I'm putting up. Its got the 160M coil at the base but I don't care for that system for 160 because you have to manually switch between 160 and 80. After reading Bi
Three years ago I put up a 15 year old used triex wt51 crankup tower and according to the original manual I needed a 3' x 3' x 6' (2 yards of concrete) foundation so that's what I put in. Two years
Chris, I've got the old wt-51 manual from Tri-ex, dated May 20, 1983. Specs are: Windload - 'approximately 9 sq ft of antenna area at 50 mph indicated by engineering analysis' Deadload - 150 lbs m
All, I've got a Hygain Hy-tower that I use primarily for 80M but it also loads nicely on 10 thru 40. I'm thinking of running a 160M vertical up the side of the hy-tower, supported by the hytower b
Thanks Ken, I kind of like the loading coil cuz it keeps down the amount of wire in the air..... neighbor and xyl concerns! But.... if I thought the L performance would be better I'd go that way.
Hello guys, I've got a new triex wt-51 tower with a 13 foot windload rating at 85mph. I'd like to put a 5.5 ft a4s tribander at 51' and a 5.5 ft 40M yagi at 56' on a 10' mast on the tower. My bes
Hi all, I need some input on line loss when using 450 ohm balanced line to feed a mismatched antenna. According to an online loss calculator, if I have a 150ft run of 450 ohm balanced line and an SW
Thanks Paul, I've attached the Source Data output below. This, I believe, is showing me SWR and impedance at the feedpoint of each element. I'm not sure if EZNEC gives me a way to see the SWR at
Thanks for all the feedback! As far as reasons for trying the 8JK.... Mainly I want a 40M antenna that I can put on the same mast with my hf tribander. The 8jk is nice cause it has some gain and I
Hi guys... more questions! I'm thinking looking at putting an A4S and and some kind of 40M yagi on the same mast. I plan to rotate the 40M yagi 90 deg from the A4S to minimize interaction. I'm thin
Shoot... using the .707 figure for 45 deg I'm back right at the worst case scenario. Where does the .707 come from? I was using a simplified version of windload calcs from the force 12 web site th