Oh no, the 115 V cable is all by itself. I know better. It also goes to its own box with an weather proof outlet. Beside the safety (which is important enough, it would probably also result in some E
Aluminum is more expensive but it has its advantages. You can throw it on your car, in my case a 328 BMW, and drive it home. I carried it myself to the erection pace. I think to total weight was abou
I used nine aluminum wires, connected three each to the three tower legs. The connection is "up-in-the-open". I did this to avoid el.-corrosion. I don't know if it is so important. Future will tell.
Gentlemen, It's hard to believe that a screw connection can be approved for burial. Even if it is allowed, and why wouldn't it, I still would (very strongly) prefer to be able to inspect them now-and
Maybe you can count on a "nice" weld if/when lightning strikes. It, sure, will jump that little distance. Hans if it is allowed, and why wouldn't it, I still would (very strongly) prefer to be able t
Jim, I side with your statements. I have experience with soldering exposed to air and that doesn't last forever, silver, tin or whatever have you. I would think the underground environment is harder
This might be the wrong forum but does anyone remember an article in QST (or maybe QEX) of how to make multibands antennas using LC traps where the traps resonance frequency is not at the operating f
WinXP is a good choice. Unfortunately when you buy a new computer it is loaded with "the latest" and I am not savvy enough to change it. I do remember an article in either QST or QEX with excellent e
Thanks Roger, Will check it when I get the chance. Hans Try this: http://www.sevenforums.com/tutorials/316-compatibility-mode.html Hans Hammarquist wrote: with "the latest" and I am not savvy enough
Try http://www.normsfab.com/ instead. Worked better. hans - N2JFS Norm and crew from Norms Fab in Michigan are at Dayton every year. Complete address, phone and email are on his web site: www.norsmsf
In case anybody wondered about the "Northseeking, Plastic Owl" I managed to get a photo of one. https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10152578225393539.1073741827.579753538&type=1&l=69e37e814d En
Wireless seems to me to be an excellent idea. Instead of a multitude of multi-conductor wires, that costs alot more per copper weight, that a twin conductor cable. Hans - N2JFS You still need to prov
What I have seen, it is only the portion closest to the surface that corrodes. I have found iron pieces buried for hundred of years with only slight corrosion. Scrap iron, stored laying on the ground
To connect an anchor to a copper ground rod is an absolute no-no. That will "eat" the anchor in no time. Old wisdom (my grandfather, that was a blacksmith) to me to use a lead washer to minimize elec
I believe the screw anchor is good enough by itself to act grounding rod. I, myself, did not put any grounding rods at the guy anchors but I used nine (9) grounding rods around the foot of the tower.
Is there a North-Seeking Plastic Owl here yet? Hans - N2JFS I couldn't resist this but, - Haven't we more than beaten the "Screw Anchor" subject into the ground. Gene / W2LU _________________________
Jay for Pete, You can never protect yourself enough from lightning strikes. (I wonder how they do it in commercial radio stations such a BC stations and cell towers.) Myself, I have nine (9) groundin
How do you know from where the "lightning entered"? It is just as valid as asking from where the current is coming when you light a light bulb with a battery or "does the lightning strike down or up"
The WRTC, there are a multitude of them, check www.wrtc2014.org, we are using 40 feet of Rohn 25. The are guyed by, I believe, 1/2 inch cord and are using 1 inch steel rod for guy anchors. To make su
Go to wrtc2014.org. You can "purchase" a complete field station (excluding the radios) with delivery after the contest is finished July 13, 2014. It is also a way to support the contest. The hole thi