Hi, I'm new to this and thought I should get some advice. I've heard interesting things about large loop antenna designs, and I thought I might try one. I have an area of about one acre which I could
What model used tower would everyone suggest I look for for my first ever tower? I need to avoid guy wires and am interested in something heavy duty that comes in the 65' to 100' range. I have heard
I am new to all this, and I subscribed with the hope of learning something. If replies are not public, I learn nothing. I understand how much mail this reflector gives us all to sort through, but for
A question on the lightning issue: Does anyone know if there is any benefit to routing the cabling from tower to house underground using a direct bury grade of cable? I thought it might encourage dis
If you look at Mr. Cebik's antenna pages on the web, you will see that the circular loop is omnidirectional, and that the rectangular, diamond, and star shaped loops create lobes along a line with th
Another tidbit: I was told by the engineers who work for our state government that concrete over 4000 psi is considered waterproof. (for those like me who wondered about bridge supports in rivers) Th
Based on this (good) information, it seems to me that a manufacturer could have an engineer make up a series of charts or tables showing the surviving loads in each soil type at increasing wind speed
This is because concrete over 4000psi is supposed to be waterproof. Low grade concrete will wick water, but the higher grades will not. Bridge supports don't wick water, and they are concrete. Either
I'm not an antenna expert, but it seems that if you have that much space and that much height, maybe you should explore some kind of curtain antenna. I have seen a number of different types. Maybe yo
I thought that the point of a lightning rod or similar device was that a house being a poor conductor, if hit, gets hit by a huge charge. By putting up a lightning rod which is a good conductor with
So, how many cats should I add to my ground system to maximize efficiency, how should they be attached, and what is the appropriate spacing and orientation of these cats? Do various sizes of cats cha
Does anyone know if the concrete pumper trucks have a hose available to go several hundred feet? If so, that may be an option for getting ready mix right to the hole for only a few hundred dollars ex
I think this discussion, though interesting, may be irrelevant: In my experience, if you have erected, assembled, or built any type of engineered structure which then fails for any reason at all, if
What I don't ever hear mentioned is that those 5% who do not have cable or a phone line suitable for DSL can get high speed internet service via satelite. Its very common and affordable outside the U
Yes, this is true, and I too use a 4Mbps cable connection due to home business requirements. However, my understanding is that most DSL and Cable users nationwide select the 256K line due to pricing,
Remember, if you can manage to get a 5/8 wave vertical set up, you will get both a high angle and a low angle lobe. Also, when modeling, using poor radial systems seems to raise the takeoff angle of
You will need to consult a real estate attorney in your state for exact info on this situation. Maybe your attorney general office would suffice. This is because property rights do vary from state to