I?ve came into a length of 75 ohm ¾? hardline and wanted to use it to feed a pair of cage dipoles for 80 meter and 40 meters, supported by the same tower assembly at 60-65? high and the hardline woul
Hello Gene and thanks for reply. Yes I used the fan dipole on my novice station and worked pretty well and this configuration is a little different since the center feed points will be 5-6 feet apart
I borrowed a buddies gas powered post hole digger.. it has a 3 foot auger, punched holes in the area and shoveled the loose dirt out, then kept going deeper. I was way more easier than digging by han
On several occasions the question comes up about how or who to get to the dig the whole for tower base. Well I made the comment a few weeks ago that I was digging a base for a TX-455 and I was going
Mike The hole is 5x5x6 and it took only took him 1 hour (50 minutes actually) to dig it. He had a small backhoe that had a stamp on the boom..8'6" reach to the bottom. I've seen him over there all th
Kirb When in qso and when the talk moves to antenna restrictions I always tell people that I live across from a secluded neighborhood with 400-500 residents that never complain...and if they do, I'M
I thought that is how you get the new rig past the XYL (guard).... one piece at a time and rebuild it in the shack. Another reason for the rebirth of kits!!! When the UPS man delivered the Orion the
http://www.k0rv.org/A3S.htm Has anyone done this and if so how do you like it? The plan is TA-33 w/40 meters on top and the converted A3S (12/17) below If you have any other suggestions please let me
Skip.. I actually came up with 21.33 cu yrd (7.1 x 3) but whose counting :) I just poured (9-18-09) a 5x5x6 for a TX-455 and the cost was $84.50 per yard (4000#) plus $4.00 each for fiber added. Then
Well the hole is dug and concrete is in.. all 6 yards! And another 2.5 weeks and we'll lift it up My tower is a used tower and according to US tower it "might" be a TRISTAO version before US Tower bo
How much cable is needed to be on the Fulton 2550 drum to make it secure? Hey forget the part about how much cable on the drum.. I found out that Fulton puts in the box a piece of paper that has the
I just went to the scrap metal yard today.. I needed a 1/4" plate to mount a Fulton 2550 onto a older TX-455 see http://www.wd0m.com/winch.html for the ideal I bought a scrap piece already cut ($5 cu
I just recabled my tower and I tied a rope on the end of the cable and pulled the cable out and the rope replaced the old and then I pulled my new cable thru using the rope which was already in the c
I have two (2) sets of used 25G guy brackets I have bought preparing to raise a 60? 25G and one (1) set has the links to secure the guy cable to and the other set does not. I have the bolts and space
I am in the process of installing a 55ft "US Tower" I bought used from a SK.. He had a set of manuals and a PE papers he filed in the St. Louis area it showed it as a TX 455. It has a set of guy ring
To view some different pics, go to www.flickr.com and search radio liberty. Google has some also. When searching for pics of antennas or radio stuff I have been using cooliris..VERY COOL to view on t
Ok finally after MONTHS I got the TX-455 up with new winches (Fulton 2550) and cables, a homebrew raising fixture. Now that I have waited for the winter wx to set upon us, I will now start working on
With the two topics going at the same time (crank down when away and grounding) I've just put up a TX-455 crankup and how is everyone grounding a crankup? Have you done things different since the sec
When I got licensed in 1988 I was pretty limited on radio funds so I used some "OLD COAX" from the late 70's that had been stored and I used it for my 2meter beam. The coax ran from the antenna strai
After 22 years of full time firefighter and learning many different knots for different situations, I would use the ole AXE KNOT Thats the knot you tie real good and have to use an axe to take it off