With the height you have available, this is a VERY good option if you can do a reasonable radial system (25-40 radials that are at least 30-40 ft, and not necessarily symmetrically oriented), and pro
The FCC has issued a "Notice of Apparent Liability for Forfeiture and Order" against Behringer USA, including a $1,000,000 fine. The offense is the importation and sale of "50 models of unauthorized
On at least two occasions, I've traced that symptom to a T-R relay in an amplifier that died soon afterwards. It could be a relay in a transceiver, and even a bad coax connector. Jim K9YC ___________
Behringer is NOT in any way high quality, but it is low cost. Mackie and Aphex are two companies who took successful legal action against Behringer, but they are FAR from the only companies whose pro
Since my new QTH is in a redwood forest, I've been studying this out of necessity. :) I've seen "in the literature," HF antennas still work in the presence of foliage, although they might be pulled d
Take a look a the link on my QRZ.com page to see what I did in Chicago on a lot that was nearly twice the size of yours but had no supports. It wasn't pretty -- folks walking by always stopped to loo
The CO Alarm is acting as a radio receiver, and we all know that a receiver needs an antenna. Thus, ALWAYS begin by asking What receiving antenna(s) is (are) connected to the device receiving the in
DX Engineering sells a version of this that is an autotransformer using coils wound on ferrite cores. I own two, and used one for a while when I was mobiling actively. I found that it worked well to
W1HIS s advice on the use of chokes to reduce noise and interaction is right on target, but his advice on how many cores and how many turns are needed is wild overkill. The reason is simple -- both y
I have the same experience with really nasty switching power supplies for LV lighting fixtures in the house I bought here in CA. Where do you buy them? Can you tell us pecific mfrs and/or part number
No. In fact, it might even be MORE likely to pick it up if the balun was inadequate and the coax ran close to the wiring radiating the noise. Jim Brown K9YC __________________________________________
Yes. What you end up with is hard drawn copper! I've done that, and, as I recall, the stretch was something like 5-10%. Jim K9YC _______________________________________________ ______________________
Don't take the UV resistance to the bank. I bought some blue tywraps that were allegedly UV resistant at a hamfest last year. I left a few of them sitting out in the sun for three months, they became
No problem at all, Tom. In general, with radials on/in the ground, more and longer is better, but neither is critical. You could also probably feed both verticals from the same coax if they each reso
Each of Phil's posts have been right on about grounding. I'll add another important point that seems to be overlooked by many here on the topic of surge protection. MOV surge protection is a really b
While that is true, he's usually right with respect to NEC. I wouldn't go to him with a question about EMC though. Jim Brown K9YC _______________________________________________ _____________________
Hi Tom, Can you identify the AM broadcast station(s) involved? These products are usually a mix, and can occur outside your own site. At my first QTH in WV, I had an intermod product from 930 kHz (5
Go to the FCC website on the following link. http://www.fcc.gov/mb/audio/ Click on the link for AM query, then plug in the lat/lon of your QTH at the section near the bottom of the form, with a dista
If they do, I haven't found it, and it was damned difficult to find this link. I stumbled onto it, and have never found a link to it from "the front door." But as you can see, there are links on the
I was one of the ringleaders for that first big group purchase a year ago, and a big club here in the Bay Area is currently taking orders for another one. I don't think the guys doing it are willing