Anyone know of any illustrations on the web to show the proper assembly of 3/16 grips and EHS guys. I plan to use 3/8 thimbles. Should the EHS actually extend into the loop of the grip? Jim/KC4HW htt
Well hard to say which is best.... I recently bought a bolt cutter at Lowe's and used it to cut 3/16" EHS with not problem. It work fine and made a clean cut. When I bought the EHS I asked the folks
I will share this.... about 7 years ago while living on the East Coast of Florida, I sealed a coax connection with a wrap of 3M #33 tape and then wrap the #33 with a wrap of rubberized tape (no adhes
Althought the appropriate grip for phillystran is galvanized... Jim/KC4HW http://www.AlabamaContestGroup (June 2nd and 3rd, 2007) ______________________________________
I have a 70' rohn 25 with a regular section for the top section. What is being used to plug the holes to prevent rain water from accummulating in the tower legs? Jim/KC4HW http://www.AlabamaContestGr
I am not sure where the thread came from.... Recently I observed a local company installing alert sireens and using a 45 lbs jack hammer with a special attachment to drive ground rods. They had an ai
As the debate goes on.... I really don't have any creditable input for the debate, but had decided several months ago to design a holding fixture that would fit inside a Rohn 45 tower some where betw
I have been renovating a set of Hy-Gain monobanders. These had the Hy-Gain balum with them. I have opened one of the balums and beside a little oxidation at the SO239 they appears to be in pretty goo
Got several replies, guess I need to watch my Ns and Ms on the keyboard... Oh well thanks to all for the responses... Coax it is!!! cul Jim/KC4HW Jim/KC4HW http://w
When you are talking about different antennas, exactly what could that mean.... 5el/20M and a 4el/20M or different multi-band antennas or what?? Jim/KC4HW http://ww
In the past I have used a 2x4 about 8' long. Cut a length about 20" to 24" off one end and nail (or screw) that piece across the length of the 2x4 as a "T" You can use it in between the two sections
First of all make sure that your pressure treated lumber is very dry. Water is the vehicle to get the chemicals into the wood to preserve it, so the water has to get out before the primer and paint g
Been looking for a good way to interconnect the 6700 Phillystran portion and the 1/4 EHS steel leader portion of guys. I have been looking for a double (Or twin) clevis but have not been able to find