A 32 foot vertical will need a pretty large top hat to be resonate on 80m and I don't think that your tubing is of adequate size to support it. If you come down 8 feet as you suggested you will need
20m will likely benefit slightly from the extra height, however 10m will likely worsen, especially when conditions improve in a few years. TT'ians, I am planning to replace a cushcraft A3WS that has
A 1/8" (#5?) bolt might be OK to hold your hard drive in your computer, but it certainly is not strong enough for pinning a mast. The Yaesu G-2800DXA rotators come with a 8mm (5/16") bolt for pinning
One could certainly design a better method of clamping than the Orion mast clamp, however apparently the rotator will destruct when connected to very large antennas. I spent some time looking at K7NV
Once I discovered a lightning damaged connector just hours before a contest and I just cut it away and soldered the centers together and the shields together in a pig tail fashion. I taped it up and
Are you sure that the stepper motors are functioning? The only time that I've seen high SWR and yet the antenna still functioned properly is when I had a hairpin match break. I don't believe the Mons
You can buy a Top Ten band decoder and use that to control your RCS-8V. If you want to spent more money you can also purchase their relays. John KK9A I want to replace my RCS-8V remote switch. I need
Top Ten definitely has a source driver option. I have a number of these units and they work fine with my Array Solutions Six Pack relays which have two coax inputs and six outputs for an easy SO2R se
Wouldn't wouldn't water in the coax cause fluctuating SWR and poor antenna performance? Have you tried QRO? GL John Yep. The antenna acts like an antenna and functions normally. I've seen high SWR an
You would have to model this to know for sure. FWIW, at P40A I used to have my H.B. 4el 15m antenna about 7' above my H.B. 4el 20m and both were pointing in the same direction. The antennas worked ve
I was going to ask the very same question Jay did, what is the protocol that OptiBeam does not conform to? I own one OptiBeam - an OB2-40 40m antenna and it is very well made and the customer service
Joe responded (actually shouted) this statement after I stated the following last Friday night when comparing the subject antennas: "The SteppIR, has no element interaction problems because the eleme
F/B,Gain and SWR are easily measurable. Obviously, since F/B and Gain don't both occur with the same element lengths and spacing, there is always a compromise, however there is an even bigger comprom
I own a number of Array Solution products and in my opinion the quality is excellent. Jay also does a great job of supporting his products. I had a Stackmaster that had some relay problems, although
I would strongly recommend against mounting the relays any higher than 5' on your tower. After my second lightning strike, I moved all of my relays to the bottom of my towers where it is so much easi
How do you intend to run hardline up a crankup tower? There are a lot of low loss flexible coax cables now which might be a better option. Personally for that short of a run I would just use RG213. S
Is this hole for a ground rod? If so there are other options. I am looking for anyone in the san diego area that can drill a 1" x 8' deep hole through rock. I have the first 3 feet done through the f
How would a pier pin pull out? There is little lateral force and absolutely no upward force on the pin. John KK9A Thank you - I appreciate it. The fender washers and nuts would be located in the conc
Make a splice using a piece of aluminum tubing about 24 inches long that fits inside the boom and then install four 1/4 bolts through the boom horizontally (not up and down) to fasten it together. Jo