That works Thanks! John KK9A / P40A YES ... Look at the menus across the top Select File ... Select Add description ... Save with the new name ... Try that and see if it works OK! 73 d eBilly, AA4NU
I think you're referring to modeling boom correction. I don't think that the boom has any effect and I would ignore it. John KK9A Looking for boom correction for 1.5 inch Sq. boom 6m with insulated .
I think putting 5' of your 15' mast in the tower is a good plan. I also think that two guy points should be very sufficient for a 70' tower. I have attached guys to the top mounting plate with excell
I wonder why so many people respond to out of topic posts. Dave, Save yourself a lot of time in "Computer Hell" and get another laptop that has WIN98SE on it ( or one U can install WIN98SE ) They are
Why not model the entire antenna. I've modeled verticals with a top hat it AO and it seems accurate. I imagine that you can also do this in EZNEC. John KK9A Does anyone know if there is a top hat cal
Tower top plates and rotator plates are not manufactured very precisely and trying to line up two bearings plus your rotator bearing could be difficult. If it's not lined up exactly it will cause som
So what do you do to keep the antenna from spinning out control while the rotator is removed? John KK9A I agree with Larry and many of the others. I have a 24' mast and use two. I have used two for a
I concur, plus the u-bolt keeps the antenna from spinning while the rotator is removed! John KK9A The alleged purpose of the middle thrust bearing is to hold the mast vertically to aid in rotator rep
I have never heard of a rotator mounted inside a tower with only one bearing breaking due to lateral force. Has anyone ever seen this? John KK9A Hi John: Yes, proper alignment can be a challenge. The
Try: John KK9A Looking for a source to purchase big grip guy attachment preforms and 1/2" thimbles in small quantities PLP part # BG 2146 & BG 2147. In talking to a couple
This seems like a lot of trouble just to remove a rotator and it still doesn't stop the mast from spinning. How often are we changing rotators? John KK9A Alignment of multiple bearings is not all tha
The rotator has a bearing which should suffice in most installations and there are no one bearing fulcrum installations unless the rotator is mounted above the tower. If the rotator bearing is inadeq
I doubt there's much difference in strength between the 2dia x 1/4 wall and the 2.5dia x 1/8 wall mast, however you can calculate this yourself using any mast software. K7LXC sells a product for this
My tower has had a number of direct lightning strikes and I have never seen a soldered connection fail. I am assuming that Pete is referring to using copper water pipe or refrigeration tubing as a gr
I have also read that you should use a mechanical connection for the tower ground and I'm sure that it's good advice, however I have never seen the solder melt on any of my outdoor hardline connectio
You should fill the hole with concrete, what else would you put in it? One yard is not a lot, but I'm not sure what the minimum concrete delivery is in your area. Another other option is to buy 40+ b
How large is the base and why do you need to remove it? Once I removed a small base 3' x 3' x 3' using a large backhoe which easily dug it up There is also a jackhammer attachment for backhoes that c
A model will give you an accurate SWR curve for any height and would provide the best answer to your question. I think 15' is too low for adjusting, I would pull it up to 35 - 40' high which should g
I tried a K9AY loop and mine worked pretty well on 160m. On 80m my TX antenna was a 90+ ft long rotatable homebrew dipole at 160ft high about 350 ft away and I don't recall ever hearing a station on
Why do you want to make it short and base load it? The top loading wire are more efficient and if anything I would just put a hairpin coil at the base to match it to 50 ohms. John KK9A Hello Towertal