Good point. My goals are simple: Low band rag chew anywhere in the realm (i.e. USA) and the occasional DX with the world. I just hate hearing some guy from overseas and not being able to reach him, w
Agreed ! ... and hopefully MORE RADIOS, ALSO ! ///////////////////// K8JHR /////////////////// == you will probably discover, to do all the things you want, == _______________________________________
Good question -- I want to rag chew with anyone in the US, and do some occasional DX overseas. I also agree with the guy who figures I may need multiple antennas for the task. ///////////////////////
Novice Alert -- I am sorry I do not get those references. I am afraid I am too new or ignorant yet to get the joke. But I am sure it is plenty good! If a CW thing, I am still learning that. /////////
Yeah... I thought you were looking to see if guys' experience added anything useful or different from what you were getting from the modeling programs. Asking whether or not real world experience dif
That places a lot of faith in the modeling software. How does one know that sort of faith is warranted, given the number of variables that can alter the results in reality? How does the modeling prog
Interesting practice... why would you intentionally misstate the report? I know everyone wants a 599, but why lie about it, as it is a valid contact in any case? Is it just a matter of long distance
OK... so, I am guessing this is why the fellow asked the original question about how those two types of antennas were working out in real life, where all the all those variables would be working thei
Yes - exactly what I was thinking. You see, I was getting kinda confused over the utility of this modeling software thing. The first guy said he modeled the two antennas under scrutiny, but wanted re
With respect (seriously) as a old student of Philosophy of Science (Epistemology) I do not believe that Kelvin meant it quite as literal you suggest - but I like the quote and its application here. Y
I guess it makes sense, from a convenience and time aspect, but I figure if everyone gives a 599 as a shorthand, then it is totally meaningless - so why bother at all? But, if that is the way the gam
Good aphorisms. Thanks for the post. I have four antennas now... A 40 meter dipole... a 20 m dipole... an AlphaDelta DX-B Sloper ... and Alpha Delta DX-EE 40-10 meter fan dipole. My conundrum is what
AH... YES. GOOD REBUTTAL ON ALL POINTS. //////////////////// Richards- K8JHR ///////////////// == the same "unknowns" in an == . _______________________________________________ ______________________
Yes -- and this phenomenon is what makes selecting an antenna so difficult. This is clearly as much an art as a science. ////////////// K8JHR ///////////// == , that doesn't change the fact that some
On the subject of lightening grounding... I was out at a guy's tower today (he has three of them, actually) and I could not discern any form of grounding at all -- even if the ground rod is buried, I
I am currently working on my Extra license. I expect it before year's end. I am also working on learning CW which I feel is an important part of the hobby. Thanks for the kick in the pants ... I mean
EXCELLENT REPLY -- Your ideas are mirrored in some other replies I have received off list. In fact, I am working on a plan like that as an option. I think I can install a 50 foot mast, braced against
Actually... now that I think of it... you are the second guy to mention the possibility of adverse interaction among my antenna elements. I say this to be sure I acknowledge the other valuable input
Yes... I figured that... but I kinda liked the term, anyway. Sounds sort of dressy. And, besides, a top hat has a flat top. So, maybe not so far off, eh? ;-) Thanks for the clarification, but I figur