Author: Robert Chudek - KØRC <>
Date: Fri, 20 Oct 2006 15:35:48 -0500
John, I think Keith must have been thinking he might try beaming Long Path... 73 de Bob - KØRC in MN -- Message: 5 Date: Fri, 20 Oct 2006 14:43:55 -0400 From: <> Subject: Re: [Tow
Author: Robert Chudek - KØRC <>
Date: Wed, 25 Oct 2006 20:14:38 -0500
Julio, I would use a fiberglass gel-coat. This is like a thick paint. When you are ready to apply it, you mix in a hardner liquid and stir thoroughly. This starts a chemical reaction and you have 30
Author: Robert Chudek - KØRC <>
Date: Mon, 30 Oct 2006 11:38:29 -0600
Hello Bill, The HyGain 204BA is good advice. But around here the stock BN-86 balun is known as a "fusible link" to us RTTY operators. I blew my fusible link on my HyGain TH-5DX when chasing a DXpedit
Author: Robert Chudek - KØRC <>
Date: Fri, 1 Dec 2006 10:07:39 -0600
De John - VK6JB, There is one recommendation in the quote below that would be the FIRST step I would take. I suspect this new manager is reveling in his recently attained power. You can see this in h
Author: Robert Chudek - KØRC <>
Date: Fri, 8 Dec 2006 13:08:44 -0600
John, I have used both of these rotors during my radio career. I switched to the Yaesu G1000-DXA for several reasons, the most important to me were the large illuminated compass dial, the 90 degree o
Author: Robert Chudek - KØRC <>
Date: Sun, 10 Dec 2006 01:01:41 -0600
Bob, Windload would be measured in pounds of thrust. Windarea would be measured in square feet or meters. No, windload cannot simply be added together. Neither can windarea. Here's a link to a basic
Author: Robert Chudek - KØRC <>
Date: Mon, 11 Dec 2006 17:45:26 -0600
Well, it's obvious to me, if this is the case, the most prudent thing to do would be to turn off all those danged lights! So we snag an airliner or two now and then, what's the big deal? Much safer f
Author: Robert Chudek - KØRC <>
Date: Tue, 12 Dec 2006 16:12:37 -0600
Nope, didn't see that one yet. We might as well get put that bulldozer into overdrive. When the environmentalists get done, we can all join the Flat Earth Society and never have a fear again! But, so
Author: Robert Chudek - KØRC <>
Date: Tue, 12 Dec 2006 21:38:28 -0600
Dave, Thanks for the link. You're right, kind of expensive. I didn't surf over to their website to check out pricing. We will just have to wait for the "Made in China" versions to flood the market. Y
Author: Robert Chudek - KØRC <>
Date: Thu, 14 Dec 2006 03:20:14 -0600
Okay... you guys theorized ever which way to Sunday about damage to rotors from a lightning strike. Most everyone on the list has had a rotor or two or three during their radio career. I'll be blunt,
Author: Robert Chudek - KØRC <>
Date: Thu, 11 Jan 2007 11:30:46 -0600
A better technical answer: But buy a copy of the ARRL antenna book and load the CD that comes with it. The HFTA (HF Terrain Analyzer) program on the CD which will give you theoretical differences be
Martin, Last year I needed to tune a 40m dipole to resonance so I created an Excel spreadsheet to help me determine the adjustments. I have attached a copy for you to review. This attachment won't ma
Eric, I have 3 of the G-1000DXA rotors. A year and a half ago I had all three of them on the kitchen table. I spent the better part of a day going through the alignment to get them accurate. One of t
Hello Butch, You didn't say where you were measuring your VSWR. The true value will be accurate at the antenna feedpoint. Or at an electrical half wavelength of coax cut to the band of interest. On a
Here's some additional Yaesu rotor connector information... It all depends upon the vintage of the rotor. I have three of the G-1000DX rotors. Two of them are 15+ years old, the other one is newer, m
There's a hundred feet of Rohn-45 in Nashville, TN plus antennas and accessories: eBay item: 140103691762 73 de Bob - KØRC in MN _______________________________________________ _______________
Here's an idea... Rohn 45 retails for $200 per 10 ft section, so the entry cost for your solution is greater than $2,000. Rohn 25 is less, Rohn 65 is more. If you are serious about this, put your mo
Well why not just split the "risk"? Prepare an agreement where the homeowner and ham split either the increase or decrease in property value? When the property value increases, it's a win-win situati
Jack, In my "yout" I build a 6-element 15m yagi using a single section of 2" by 40 foot irrigation aluminum tubing I obtained at a local Agri-supplier. I used an top truss to help support the ends. I