Thanks Tom, You know... I ordered the new Handbook & Antenna Book and need to start reading... It's been too long since I've played with this stuff! You are right, of course, the measurement problem
Terry, Thanks for running the numbers! It confirms the insulation does lower the F. Follow-up... Well today I called AEA Technology and got the sad news that my HF Analyst needs to be looked at. The
Hi Jim, I have installed several Universal Tower bases during my radio career. You are right, there isn't any "after the fact" adjustments for these bases. This isn't a problem. Here's how I poured t
Hi Bill, The rain and snow attenuation seems to always raise this type of question. At the opposite end of the spectrum (440 MHz) where I ran ATV, snow and rain did not have a perceptible influence o
An antenna question: Has anyone experimented with attaching the HyGain BN4000 on the opposite end of the matching rods of the TH-11? As you know the unit is out of reach (toward the directors) when t
Hey gang... Here's the follow-up on my dead AEA SWR-121 I reported a few weeks ago. This unit was the original model sold by AEA about 15 years ago. Apparently it reached its EOL (end-of-life). The r
Hi Jerry, Thanks for the message, comments, and observations! BTW, the 160 meter Inv Vee is fed with 100' of RG-59/u coax. My understanding is an Inv Vee will present a better match to RG-58, but my
Merry Christmas to myself, early. I'm like a kid with a new toy using my new antenna analyzer! "You guys" pointed out I needed a 1/2 wavelength (electrical) run of coax to my 160m inverted vee to get
Rob, Yes, I was more interested in repeating the complex impedance values of the feed point than the absolute VSWR. Some of the fellows have run my antenna through analysis and came up with different
Tom, The cable wasn't rated per se. It is a foam dielectric so I guestimated .8 as a starting point. Can the true VF be determined from the data I collected? 73 de Bob - K0RC -- Original Message -- _
Tom, Once you explained how to calculate the Velocity Factor, I went "duh, I should have know that". Thanks for the refresher. This evening I tested the inverted vee with the new RG-8x 1/2 wavelength
Hello Bill, Thanks for the detailed calculations. But your method of calculation and making one cut at 200' would have eliminated ALL of the "play time" with my new toy!!! 73 de Bob - K0RC Message: 6
Tom, That's what the analyzer is telling me, 2.3 ohms. My final "adjustment" is going to be taking the 1:1 balun out and feeding the antenna direct with the RG-8x. I will rerun the test and see if th
A follow up. I removed the balun from the antenna and fed the RG-8x direct. There was no significant change in any of the measured antenna characteristics. 73 de Bob - K0RC __________________________
Tuna Tenna??? Something smells fishy about this deal... Or this eBayer has been watching too many infomercials on late night TV. 73 de Bob - K0RC _______________________________________________ See:
What method would I use to determine/measure the self resonance of my tower? 73 de Bob - K0RC _______________________________________________ See: for "Self Supporting Tower
Here's an update regarding the 160m inverted vee I am testing. A few of you questioned the 2.3 Ohm reading I reported. Someone (who will remain nameless... but his call is AD3F) suggested the graphs
Jim, Roger, Tom, Okay, it's starting to sink in now! Yes, I was using a 1/2 wavelength feedline. That's where this thread started, I cut and tuned some RG-8x to 1830 KHz. So when I analyze the antenn
Thanks everyone for helping me through the learning curve of my AEA VIA Antenna Analyst! With 40+ years of radio experience under my belt, I can still learn new stuff and get pretty excited along the
"StellarCAT" Hhmmm... New Autek RF1 @ $139.95... Transmitting 5 watts out of band @ $50,000 fine... Hhmmm... tough choice... But if you are intent on taking the chance, here's the answer to your ques