Another antenna question for the Liberal Arts Major... When is an Inverted-L an Inverted L ... and when does it become a Longwire? Isn't an Inverted-L just a quarter wave end fed antenna that is shap
Does anyone out there have a manual to the Signalcrafter 30 SWR meter? This unit was made in Kansas City in the 80s and was a computing watt meter that was the "cats meow" at the time. I picked on up
I am just about ready to pull the trigger on getting a Force 12 EF140 and install it at 65 feet on my tower. Can anyone give me some feed back as to how this antenna plays? Lee Buller - K0WA Common s
Towertalkians.... As I am sitting here waiting for a huge programto load into the file server I started asking myself about the simple dipole...or Inverted-Vee (I know there is a difference.) Althoug
To get the force you need to bring the wire tight, you would need a serious "come-along" device...and you might need to have a block and tackle device as well. 400 pounds is a lot, but you can do it
My two cents.... I have elevated guys right now and I don't like them because I did it wrong. They are holding but I would do them quite differently if I had to do it all again. I have a 60 foot towe
I have an inverted-L which is rather an inverted-L with a bad slope from the top of the tower. I lost my 70 foot tree a couple of years ago to one of our Kansas winds and I had to tie the end of the
Liberal Arts Major type of question..... On some verticle antennas (i.e. Butternut) there is a coil between the feed point and ground. The coil is about 1 1/2" in diameter and about 10 to 12 turns. I
I've always used by Zebco Rod and Reel to get the line over the trees. Just a couple of 1/2" nuts and heave-ho. Then again, I'm in Kansas and we don't have that many tall trees. Lee - K0WA In our day
You might want to look at this URL.... Pete has been very active in early pioneer of EME from Brookville Kansas. The picture you see is a 28 foot dish mounted on
Hi folks, I am now in Austin, Texas this weekend visiting my brother and we were down in Gruene south of Austin. Went west out of Gruene on Texas 305 to 281... south of Blanco. Just before 281 we cam
Thanks for all the help. I have been in contact with the owner of the installation...K5YA. Wow. They do things big in Texas. Lee - K0WA "Toto...I don't think we are in Kansas any longer" In our day a
Alton, Take great care installing elevated guys. There are a lot of vector forces to account for and Dave is right...get an engineer to do the design. I did not do that thinking that 4 feet in concre
Back in the days when men were men and ham radio operators were kids, there was a company that sold verticles-Gotham. I've alway wondered what the deal with the Gotham antenna was all about. All I ha
Ok, I got a lot of answers about the Gotham Verticals. (note that I spelled it right this time.) I would think that the Butternut HF2V (I think that is the right model number) is similar to what the
I've been fooling around with 30 meters and found that the band seems to fold around 7 to 8 pm in the plains states. I have a dipole up and can work most anywhere when the band is in. I have not been
I know that this might be a little off topic, but I find the whole idea of terrestial high definition digital television facinating from the idea of signal to noise, propagation, and multipathing. Ha
Towertalkians.... The other day, I posted an off topic questions about over the air HD TV. Today, I received a post from a person who is not a ham, but reads Towertalk. This gentleman has says he has
Ladies and Gents.... Recently, I had to replace my 40 meter dipole (more of an Inverted-Vee) antenna because the coax center lead had broken off the. The dipole worked OK, but I was never really sure
As per my previous post.....on my Inverted Vee Dipole..... I borrowed a MFJ 259 (Plain Model) and measured the antenna from the Shack end. Resonate Freq = 7030 or so SWR is 1.5:1 Resistance is about