(I'm sending this message to the tower talk group just in case there is anyone in Southern CA who would like to attend...) Hello! My name is Dino and I'm the President of the Western Amateur Radio As
I was told today that KFI (640khz AM) is getting a new set of (6) guy wires the first full week in August. The tower is over 750' tall and has 2 sets of 3 guy wires each. I'm told (unofficially) that
There is a separate 250' back up tower on the site that will be in operation during the guy replacement. And yep, I knew the FI was for Farm Information! Dino...k6rix@arrl.net
Yes on the 3000# concrete. I would think that the owners manual would have a recommendation. SLUMP The slump number is the amount of "drop" the concrete makes out of a 12" mold. They use a 12" cone (
Very good point Tom! I've seen people blow out forms from over vibrating! Too much vibrating will drop the aggregate to the bottom and that is BAD! Dino...k6rix@arrl.net
My friend will need a bearing for the top of his 25G. The top section comes to a point so my thinking was to lower the rotor plate and install an accessory plate with the bearing mounted to it. Or, i
I'm forwarding this to the Tower Talk group on contesting.com. Can the TT group please help out a fellow amateur?! You will need to respond to him directly as he is not a part of this group. This is
I was reading, with great interest, W5AJ's website about his tower install. http://www.qsl.net/w5aj/tower.htm He hired a boring company to "drill" his hole. Using a standard square 4'x4'x5' deep hole
Hello Tony! US Tower is your answer!... http://www.ustower.com/tubular.html Click on the size tower you are interested in. Down the page you will see the "Raising Fixture". This is it! To see the tub
They are the same antennas as Tri-Ex. He used to work for them. Model numbers are the same too. I know the last owners of Tri-Ex were touting the 60,000 PSI (?) legs or something like that. I don't k
M2 baby!!! 144 http://www.m2inc.com/products/vhf/2m/2mholoop.html 220 http://www.m2inc.com/products/vhf/222/222holoop.html 440 http://www.m2inc.com/products/uhf/70cm/432holoop.html There is also Par
George, I saw Angela sitting on your tower in one of the pictures! You are a LUCKY LUCKY LUCKY MAN!!!! The tower is beautiful too! :-) Dino...k6rix@arrl.net
It looks like KFI here in Southern CA will be swapping out the guy wires on their main tower in the next 6 months. I've asked to be there while this is being done! I'll keep you posted and try to tak
That's correct...it goes down to a point. The guys are very old and sagging. One unique thing is that the tower was rigged for power levels up to a megawatt! It has multiple insulators at the tower c