Author: "Roger K8RI on Tower" <>
Date: Fri, 13 May 2005 22:52:47 -0400
Although subject to the usual pin 1 problems and grounding, house trailers sometimes suffer from a problem with the aluminum siding being unbonded and ungrounded. Roger Halstead (K8RI and ARRL 40 yea
Author: "Roger K8RI on Tower" <>
Date: Sun, 15 May 2005 04:15:03 -0400
I think you will find in the real world under normal conditions voice will be considerably slower than that. At 150 WPM voice begins to sound strange and comprehension except for short bursts does no
Author: "Roger K8RI on Tower" <>
Date: Sun, 15 May 2005 13:55:30 -0400
The tubes for the old Alpha amps cost a fortune. Generally to retube one costs more than the amp is worth. I have a 76A. That's how I know. <:-)) 8874s are *expensive* I'm not familiar with the AL12
Author: "Roger K8RI on Tower" <>
Date: Sun, 15 May 2005 16:18:17 -0400
The ones in mine are over 20 years old and still give full output. I'd expect a very long life from them, unlike the PL172s which have glass to metal seals and tend to get gassy with lack of use. Rog
Author: "Roger K8RI on Tower" <>
Date: Wed, 18 May 2005 00:17:00 -0400
Sorry about what? The link worked fine for me. Man, but that brings back memories. I haven't seen one of those in years. Roger Halstead (K8RI and ARRL 40 year Life Member) N833R - World's oldest Debo
Author: "Roger K8RI on Tower" <>
Date: Mon, 23 May 2005 20:14:02 -0400
<snip> You need to be even more careful than that if you have to pick up the tower, or freight. Some years back, actually quite a few years back, I picked up a shipment of KLM antennas at the freight
Author: "Roger K8RI on Tower" <>
Date: Tue, 24 May 2005 18:57:02 -0400
I have a TH-5, but I don't know which model. I don't think it's the MKII so it's probably the DX. I'll look for the manual tonight to find out. 73 Roger Halstead (K8RI and ARRL 40 year Life Member) N
Author: "Roger K8RI on Tower" <>
Date: Tue, 24 May 2005 20:42:35 -0400
<sigh> Looks like I lied to you. It is a Mark II. Sorry I can't help. Roger Halstead (K8RI and ARRL 40 year Life Member) N833R - World's oldest Debonair CD-2 ___________________
Author: "Roger K8RI on Tower" <>
Date: Wed, 25 May 2005 00:09:51 -0400
I have two towers, One is about 10' from the corner of the garage. My Cat-5e gigabit network cable runs within 10' of the tower base. The second tower
Author: "Roger K8RI on Tower" <>
Date: Wed, 25 May 2005 16:40:41 -0400
Another reason for doing this is drainage. The top of the concrete should be "crowned" so any water tends to run off. shows a good "crowned" concre
Author: "Roger K8RI on Tower" <>
Date: Wed, 25 May 2005 20:46:21 -0400
I have the building permit instead. <:-)) Over 80 feet had to be engineered although they accepted the ROHN catalog specs. Roger Halstead (K8RI and ARRL 40 year Life Member) N833R - World's oldest D
Author: "Roger K8RI on Tower" <>
Date: Fri, 27 May 2005 21:28:40 -0400
They make abrasive blades for both power hand saws (generally called Skil) and for chop saws. Both work very well on rebar. Yes, rebar gets red hot when cut with an abrasive blade as well. Roger Hals
Author: "Roger K8RI on Tower" <>
Date: Fri, 27 May 2005 21:36:00 -0400
I think thos insulators are a lot older than you half burried Cadillac<:-)) Green glass insulators? Those hummers are *old*. I haven't seen green glass insulators since I worked on an "open wire" te
Author: "Roger K8RI on Tower" <>
Date: Fri, 27 May 2005 21:40:47 -0400
Use a guide which prevents it from "kicking back", but I don't like abrasive blades on my good table saw. That's the nice thing about a chop saw. It clamps the bar in place and you just lean on it. I
Author: "Roger K8RI on Tower" <>
Date: Fri, 27 May 2005 21:42:10 -0400
They also might bring a fortune on e-bay if some collectory sees them. Then again, they might not. Roger Halstead (K8RI and ARRL 40 year Life Member) N833R - World's oldest Debonair CD-2 www.rogerhal
Author: "Roger K8RI on Tower" <>
Date: Fri, 27 May 2005 22:30:24 -0400
Although still in use today I think you will find they are "left over's" and really are antique. I haven't hear of them being manufactured in a very long time. Still, there may be some, some where.
Author: "Roger K8RI on Tower" <>
Date: Sun, 29 May 2005 01:32:21 -0400
"I think" which means I don't know for sure, but your tubing has had a visit from "Mud Dobbers". They are a kind of wasp that makes their nest from mud (usually clay) and spit. The stuff hardens like
Author: "Roger K8RI on Tower" <>
Date: Wed, 1 Jun 2005 19:42:23 -0400
Tape! Lots and lots of good quality electrical tape. I run the coax up the inside of the one leg of a ROHN 45G with the cables taped to the leg avery couple of feet, plus tape just above and below th
Author: "Roger K8RI on Tower" <>
Date: Wed, 1 Jun 2005 21:39:28 -0400
It depends on how you install them. Leave a "tail" instead of cutting the tie flush. It's not quite as neat, but works well. Make the tail long enough and you can loop it under the bundle. Nearly all
Author: "Roger K8RI on Tower" <>
Date: Thu, 2 Jun 2005 15:16:57 -0400
As many have already said, It depends on where you live. Some states, or locals say you do own the air above, the Feds say you do not and neither state nor local laws may pre-empt that. There are a b