In a former life I used to do concrete foundations. We did regularly spray our forms with a chemical (been almost 40 years ago) that was like sorta like automatic transmission fluid, but less viscous
Hi Daryll, I have a HRD-300 here and been using it steady for nearly 30 years. The rotor itself has been 100% reliable, but the 4 turn pot and the limit switches, a.k.a. the "micro switches" are pron
Charles, I recently bought a spare G-2800DXA from Yaesu as a spare. In outward appearance it looks the same as the SDX. The DXA manual is on the Yaesu-Vertex site. The rotor package comes complete wi
Six wires are used on the G2800 The controller is a 6 pin plug, and the rotor has a 7 pin plug, where pin 7 is not used... Mike Charles, In case it was not covered here, I think - I THINK the 2800 us
OM Bob W5FKN is an expert in HyGain rotor refurbs, not sure he does Yaesu. It might be worth an email to check. --Original Message-- From: [mailto:towertalk-bounces@c
I gave up on the fanned dipole and went to a 160M OCFD. It works very well on both bands... Mike K9MK This might also be called a Fan dipole. Can you run 160 and 80 on the same feedline with decent s
Here, its classified the same as a working from a home office so no impacts to P&Z. FAA is another matter, manageable but a time sink... K9MK --Original Message-- From: towertalk-bounces@contesting.c
I put in my WISP AGREEMENT that their lease expires if/when I sell. I have to give them 30 days notice to closing so that they have time to move. I usually word it that either at a sale the deed will
Wowser... These are some cheap rents... Here in north Texas, the WISPs will pay the tower owner in the range of 5-10% of all revenue derived from that tower, free ISP service, and premiums on extra a
Tim, On mine, I dress the coax from the beam back to the saddle bracket on the ring and then I run it up the guy truss (I used a TIG guy truss on both of my rings). The coax runs up to the top of tru
Tim, I considered Tim K3LR's solution initially. But my rings are mounted just above the guy points and we felt the coax would snag or drag on the torque arms. In 7 years I have had no issue with bro
Hi Bob, As you may know, the original Telrex designs used a double wall tip to dampen the low rate oscillations caused by the wind or other (and many used the corona tear drop too). The double walls
I have a soft copy and will send it directly to your email. Mike K9MK One of the guys in our local ham club has given me this beam with a design that suggests that it was made by KLM. There are two d
For many of the same reasons I agree with Wilson too. But obviously the examiners saw something in the claims that they approved of (the so called flux capacitor). Out of curiosity I did a patent sea
I'm guessing most companies do not bother to patent novel manufacturing methods or process related inovation as that stuff is usually rather narrow in nature. The know the company I worked for kept i
Hi Charles, Yes, I converted my RCS-4 over to N connectors some 15 years ago. It was not terribly hard but it required some patience with desoldering the conenctors from the PCB, and then choosing a
I agree with John. I have had several Mosley Pro 57 and Pro 67 series antenna here in north Texas. All we bought used and they all disassembled on site easily due to the initial application of penetr
If you are not chasing minor differences in dB's or the various ways these antennas are designed and assembled, then that leaves the soft factors such as cost and reliabilty. Like comparing car manuf
My son used his 6 blade to inspect my tower over Easter. With a HD camera and stabilization software, you can see quite a lot. He was flying it in between the elements on my HF Yagi. Now, to put a wr
Now that would be a good field day project. GPS stabilized and tether power... hmmmm... Can you use one of these things to hold up a 135 foot vertical? That also feeds 12 volts to keep it up? Barry,