If I understand the question, it depends on the impedance of the source, compared to the transmission line, how much is absorbed by the TX and how much is reflected from the XMTR. You need to think a
Hi: Many of the TV & FM antenna have electrical de-icer heaters to keep the tuned slots etc. from developing enough ice to detune them, the cost and weight of deicing the tower and guy wires is prohi
Ideco-Dresser made several 1,200' self supporters, most survive today, they were put "in city's" on smaller lots than guyed towers. (several blocks square) These are black steel, not galvanized, jus
It is to gain maximum distance. 1,649' gets you a 55 mile radius, in Florida where a high hill is 124 feet high. This is done in a few places, where it is possible, I have heard of Los Angles, New M
Author: Ron KA4INM Youvan" <ka4inm@qsl.net (Ron KA4INM Youvan)
Date: Sat, 10 Nov 2001 08:49:41 -0500
Hi all: About 30 years ago I called EZ-way tower company in south east Tampa from central Tampa, concerning a 110' tower and I was told: (by a guy, not a secretary) `if it isn't currently in producti
Author: Ron KA4INM Youvan" <ka4inm@qsl.net (Ron KA4INM Youvan)
Date: Thu, 15 Nov 2001 08:48:16 -0500
Hi: snip This is the size (7') of the G6/270 (I think) made by Hustler about $170 at AES. I like the way mine works. 73 (= Best Regards) de: (= this is) Ron ka4inm@qsl.net Please visit my HAM web sit
Hi all: And the harmonics of 15,734? kc up the lower bands, but I have never seen one that allows scan rate changes like a CRT monitor, that will keep me from getting one, and the prices too. 73 (= B
Author: Ron KA4INM Youvan" <ka4inm@qsl.net (Ron KA4INM Youvan)
Date: Wed, 21 Nov 2001 09:52:57 -0500
Hi all: Flat strap followed by hollow copper tubing are best, braid last because of the inductance derived from the weaving and lack of lateral conductivity. snip Snip I tried to measusre the insulat
Author: Ron KA4INM Youvan" <ka4inm@qsl.net (Ron KA4INM Youvan)
Date: Wed, 3 Oct 2001 16:26:53 -0400
Hi: snip snip When I had an E.F. our cows & bull would walk right up and smell the (stainless steel) wire, (four inches) if the charger was down they could smell no ozone and would walk right through
Author: Ron KA4INM Youvan" <ka4inm@qsl.net (Ron KA4INM Youvan)
Date: Mon, 8 Oct 2001 11:05:49 -0400
Hi: Unfortunately (or not) magnet wire has not been enameled for many years, all gud wire is coated with a formaldehyde based resin. I know of no remover that will take it off quickly. Why remove it?
Author: Ron KA4INM Youvan" <ka4inm@qsl.net (Ron KA4INM Youvan)
Date: Tue, 4 Sep 2001 16:10:02 -0400
Hi all: I know I read in "Florida Skip" about 5 or 6 years about two fellows at the Miami HAMvention that had received 99+ and 98+ wpm - 5 minutes with out one error - by ear and typed into Apple IIC
Author: Ron KA4INM Youvan" <ka4inm@qsl.net (Ron KA4INM Youvan)
Date: Mon, 24 Sep 2001 09:45:32 -0400
Hi All: You don't make it clear, are you referring to silicone sealer or the silicone grease, that looks like Vaseline grease (petroleum jelly). I have been filling (to overflowing) all exterior conn
This is the antenna I started with, it works great if you wish to work anyone. (no one in particular) The number of lobes and nulls vary from band to band, see ARRL handbooks. To work distant skeds o
Hi all: No it is cut and bent by `hand' with a small ground positioned 50 pounder that the entire body leans into the 4 foot long lever. Like a sheet metal brake with a very long handle, but for only
Author: Ron KA4INM Youvan" <ka4inm@qsl.net (Ron KA4INM Youvan)
Date: Thu, 23 Aug 2001 09:14:21 -0400
Hi all: Inside of RF connectors we must use non-conductive grease that prevents the ingress of moisture by `flooding', used in connectors and between the jacket and the shielding in `direct burial gr
Author: Ron KA4INM Youvan" <ka4inm@qsl.net (Ron KA4INM Youvan)
Date: Fri, 31 Aug 2001 20:15:07 -0400
Hi all: An inverted "V" puts the part of the antenna with the highest current, highest in the structure and each need only one high support, two on different bands can be supported at right angles (a
Author: Ron KA4INM Youvan" <ka4inm@qsl.net (Ron KA4INM Youvan)
Date: Fri, 31 Aug 2001 20:18:46 -0400
Hi all: Except for the "lots of cash" part I am in the identical situation. 73 (= Best Regards) de: (= this is) Ron ka4inm@qsl.net Please visit my HAM web site at: http://www.qsl.net/ka4inm List Spon
Hi all: If you run into this limitation, you can parallel several lengths of coax, in fact it would be a better idea than coiling it up too tightly in a coil, figure "8" or flattened "O". 73 (= Best
Hi all: snip section up snip I've used a pickup truck backing away from the tower (so the driver can see the section going up, HT in hand) (using a diverter pulley if necessary) with the load line ti
Hi all: Don't forget you `pick' a section a couple of inches from the center in such a way that it is balanced with the end YOU want down on the heavy end. This keeps you from having to fight the sec