Hi Bob I remember reading a story a few years ago where a guy put in a short tower. Every day, he went out and watered it. One day his neighbour came over to ask what he was doing. The guy explained
Can we ask how you grounded your towers/guy wires/feedlines? Tom - VE3CX _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ TowerTalk mailing list TowerTa
One suggestion: Document EVERYTHING in your shack - I keep mine on the shack computer. Rotor color codes, switch color codes, and on down the line. I have enough pieces here in the shack that there i
The new owner of Force 12 is Mark Hooper. Drop him an email as force12.mark@mac.com. I had a chance to speak with Mark, and he will be introducing his new web site in a week or two. Far from being a
I recall seeing a picture of an OH station running a pair of stacked two element 80's. Pictures on the net - will see if I can find it again. Something not for the faint of heart! Tom - VE3CX _______
I would be VERY VERY careful about recommending anyone hand dig such a hole. If the walls of the hole cave in, you will literally be digging your own grave. There was a bit on the local news last yea
Hi Jeff I shunt fed my 64' on 80, and found the signal levels from it were well below my half-sloper on another tower. I spent quite a bit of time trying to get it to work on 160, and in the end, I g
Hi Doug In doing some research on various antennas, the half-sloper was described in various texts as a "bastard antenna". As you indicated, works well for some, not well for others. One person spent
Hi Bill Hi Bill I understand the difference between aTH6 and a TH7 - the later has an extra driven element so you can get a flatter SWR across the band. IMHO, it seems like a waste of money. I picked
Hi Jorge There are two ways to tackle this problem. The first is to add a second Sixpak - this will give you eleven ports total. The other is to add a remote coax switch, and install it on the ports
Hi Dick I have a shorty fourty at 80 feet. The biggest thing I find with it is that it does not cover the whole band, and performance is so-so. I set up a single vertical, and like you, found it work
One thing that is interesting is the height of the antenna - moving the shorty 40 higher seems to play an important role in how well it performs. Will have to see if I can get mine a bit higher this
Demand for electricity can vary minute to minute throughout the day. As such, not all units will be running all the time. During times to peak demand, they can have all units running, but during peri
I have been going to the local scrap yard and picking up rolls of wire there - you buy it by the pound. I also picked up four rolls of aluminum welding wire (no idea how much is on a spool - each spo
Sounds like you had a larger antenna than this rotor was designed to handle. Take a look at a larger used rotor - say a Ham IV or Tailtwister. They are quite reasonable on the used market. Tom - VE3C
Here is something to try. Lets assume you want a 66 foot radial. Cut off a 66 foot piece. Attach one end to a fixed object - say a tower. Stretch it out, and put the other end into a variable speed d
My experience has been as follows: I have a half-sloper hanging off a 64 foot self-supporter for 80 meters. This acts as a vertical. I have an inverted vee about 250 feet away on a 48 foot tower. Mos
My experience in comparing an inverted vee to a half-sloper has been as follows: The half sloper is a bit of a "bastard" antenna. To get 50 ohms from it, you have to vary the angle of the sloping wir
http://www.k1ttt.net/technote/matching.html Shows how to match 50 to 75 ohm cable Tom - VE3CX _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ TowerTalk
A number of years ago, a friend used a crane to install his TH6. It got hung up on one of the elements, and it put a 20 degree bend in the reflector on one side. At that point, it was too late to tak