I will be implementing this tip in all the places I will have that will be like this. My plan is to put a utility box (I have 13 of the utility company-type light green ones) at the base of each towe
Well, do I sense some negativism here? "Dont you guys ever do calculations on things like this? A little bit of mathematics will figure all this out, also I´m pritty sure there would be compute
My apologies to SM2EKM. I didn't mean to come back at him in a strong way, and maybe I misinterpreted (or over-interpreted) what he was saying. In any case, he has told me he intended his comment to
And I'm sure she's very nice too. 73 - Rich, KE3Q _______________________________________________ See: http://www.mscomputer.com for "Self Supporting Towers", "Wireless Weather Stations", and lot's m
I had 70' of Rohn 45 up, unguyed, at one time, and it was scary. I got it guyed right away. Rohn 25 would be scarier. 73 - Rich, KE3Q _______________________________________________ See: http://www.m
The last I bought some it was very expensive. I think those of us here in the Maryland area building large homebrew yagis have bought it from Dillsburg Aeroplane Works in Dillsburg, Pennsylvania. May
And I had always figured if it lowered the property value, I should have lower property taxes, and when the neighbor wants to sell his acreage, I should get it for a lower price! At a minimum, maybe
Adding a serious comment to my previous "tongue in cheek" one, this could be further evidence that towers do not, indeed, lower property values: 1. Do local jurisdictions lower your tax assessment or
And, no supplier is perfect. There is a spread of product quality and service that is a reality for every supplier of anything, be it a product or service. It could well be that most are completely s
Follow-up to my previous: 1. On my irate client anecdote: I was left to speculate that this client was a bully and liked pushing people around when he had the power to do so; or that he resented my y
And $795 ash trays or $600 toilet seats or $600 hammers might be bundled in the same contract with $1 automobile engines -- other items that the supplier takes a loss on and makes it up on something
Well, yes, but I think some people go out of their way, even if they're paying full retail, to buy stuff with a known pedigree from a "known good" reputable supplier, such as direct from Rohn, as I g
Years ago when I was asked to go to A61AJ and help put up towers, put together yagis, and install them, I was presented with the first plan, a pair of 200-foot towers with long 2" masts and lots of b
Also, I think the typical four-square design that is used actually acts like three elements. It radiates in the directions of the "corners," not the flat sides, with what becomes then, the middle two
Personally, I think "it depends." 1. For instance, my setup (available land, a field) lends itself to putting "main towers" (e.g. one for each band, 40, 20, 15 and 10) broadside to Europe, so the ant
Okay, well if you're really confused it's worth the time to straighten it out. No such thing as "Telerex," that I know of. Telrex -- with an R in the middle -- is the old, high-end, antenna company.
Good comments, Dave. I thought of another thing to add. Because of the through-the-boom element mounting, it was prohibitively difficult (which means almost impossible) to put the antenna together on
Fixing one omission (though I noticed a few in re-reading this): I meant to say people will see a big 20M Telrex and find it hard to believe it's a 20. It looks more like a 15 or 10. Another phenomen
Actually, the "Cycolac" center-of-element insulators were problematic. They were on earlier antennas but I think were eliminated on later ones. So, there was some improvement over time. Also, the "co
Interesting. Some of the new crop of commercial yagis have a lot of sag too, because they use a rapid taper element design that ends in very small diameter stuff, and they "whip" a lot in the winds,