I have a 5 element cushcraft beam, that I need some info on. I can not find it on their site, so must be a older one. Boob is 8ft 4 inches, the next elements are 63 1/4 64 1/4 65 6/16 70 5/16 and ref
In the process of putting up the Cushcraft 6 meter 5 element beam, I have tried his site and google search but can not find the spacing for the elements etc. KI6LO states he used the computer softwar
Sorry for the off topic post, but this is the best info group I belong to. Had a house fire, house is 1800 sq ft with two bed rooms/office ham shack up stairs. Fire started in the far north portion o
Any one have a picture on how they hooked up TRX 80 raising fixture to the 4-72 ft tower. ? I lowered my tower, and when I tried to raise it back up, the rear tower leg has moved about 1/2 and does n
Thanks guys, got a great picture, I was using the top hole, should have used the lower one on front two points. Thanks again. Alex kr6g Alexander Enterprises Kenwood, Vertex,Bendix King, Midland, Sma