In my earlier note about DIN connectors and stranded center conductor braided cables, I should have said they need a *separate* center pin - IOW, loose in the bag before installation. The center pin
RE: crimp-crimp PL-259's - I've never used them, only the crimp-solder type. So I have no idea why the warning against soldering the center pin on those connectors exists. AFA DINs for stranded cente
Connectors *can* be waterproof (those that have internal gaskets). However experience tells us there is no guarantee that they are, and that's the rub. So commercial practice is to always add additio
Gerald, I'm not aware of any foam filled cables that can be pressurized. Pressurized corrugated cable is normally of the air dielectric variety - the Andrew HJ series being the most common but there
Well if it's made for LCF78-50, that's the safest one to use. Other connectors might be usable if the center conductor pin is the right style and size. I watched the video, it's a fairly typical inst
John, FWIW, I find LDF4 very reasonable to handle. Yes, and so does almost everyone who uses it on a regular basis. It's very robust, and takes some serious abuse to damage it. I've seen both LDF4 a
Yes it is. It's weird how they include the word Heliax in the title since it's not Heliax. But even with the aforementioned caveats about smooth wall hardline, the stuff has one really valuable chara
3) What about licensing for the trailer? You'll probably need a license to tow it home. We used to routinely tow both transportable satellite dishes and portable towers without license plates. We go
The tops of all three sections have guy points. Every temporary cell site tower I have ever seen were all guyed at the top if each section. Yes, most ham type crank ups are not designed for guying t
The weight is irrelevant. A skilled crane operator can move the boom as it is being lifted leaving the section on the ground as a pivot point. Of course if someone wishes to build a slide or use a l
Hmm. All I can say is we install much larger pieces of assembled tower than R55 (and 50' pieces of monopole weighing many thousands of pounds for that matter), and crane operators seem to have no pro
Ahh, I wasn't picturing short 20' pieces of tower with a ring close to the bottom. Well in lieu of a roll-around foot-basket of some sort, one option would a simple foot that bolted to the leg flange
This topic HAS been covered here many times over the years. At low tensions, there is a big difference in deflection between aircraft cable, 19 strand, and 7 strand because stiffness dominates. As yo
I've never owned a Loos, but have owned a couple Penn-Tech commercial tensionmeters. I just looked at the chart for the TM-800 to see what could be gleaned related to the 7 strand vs 19 strand scenar
The L5 connectors are only for LDF5 Heliax, which has a smaller center conductor that AVA5. You need either an AL5 connector, or an A5 connector. The AL5's are more common. -Steve K8LX Ive been tryin
More commonly called a split bolt connector, or split bolt line tap. Available in copper, galvanized steel, and aluminum in every size you can imagine, and at a million stores like Home Depot, electr
There seems to be a few folks who want a copy of the Telrex rotator manual, so I placed a scan of what I received from Telrex when I bought my 2140RISX in 1976 at:
This BS has been going on for over 4 days now! I started deleting my daily digest (without reading them) after day 2!! Let's get back to something else for the "experts" to argue about such as the me
Gene, The same procedure is used for ground kits: a layer of vinyl over the parts you may need to uncover in the future (the industry calls it a *courtesy wrap*), then as much butyl as needed to form
I've mentioned this very point here in the (distant) past, when there were folks anguishing over whether they needed to reduce rotational torque on their tower. And others worried about shock loads o