Take a look at the Ramsey kits. I have one that I use to transmit my mp3 music all over my property. There are also a bunch of different fm tx's that appear on ebay http://www.ramseyelectronics.com/h
I am thinking about possible rotor maintenance on my new tower. I will be lifting a 22 foot mast and antenna stack onto the tower with a crane and nesting it 4 feet or so into my Rohn 45 tower. I wil
I only have 220 pounds including the weight of the mast Mark N1UK _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ TowerTalk mailing list TowerTalk@cont
Take a look at POR paint. It sets up really hard. http://www.por15.com/ Zinc Chromate paint..not sure how hard it is but it loves to stick to galvanized steel and aluminum. If it was me I would try t
I use fine wet and dry paper with kerosene or wd40 as a lubricant. It cleans the aluminum up nicely without scratching. This technique works to remove old gasket material from the mating surfaces of
I got my Waxoyl in the USA from Moss Motors http://www.mossmotors.com/Shop/SearchResults.aspx?SearchText=waxoyl&WebCatalogID=0 _______________________________________________ ________________________
I am installing my tower grounding system. I intend to clamp copper strip to the galvanized tower legs ogf my Rohn 45. I understand that there could be an issue with dissimilar metals. I see that hei
Does anyone know how Rohn calculates the angle of the guy anchor which is set in concrete. Say I had a Rohn 45 tower 86 feet high with the guy anchors point out 97 feet from the tower base. The guy p
I am about to start assembling my Rohn 45 lower guy wires. I am using 3/16 ehs cable 5/16 thimbles, 502 insulators and BG-2142 big grips. Are there any instructions on how to install the big grips. I
I have read that the best stuff for soaking rusted parts in is acetone and ATF transmission fluid. Google it. You might want to give it a try if all else fails. http://www.zrxoa.org/forums/showthread
I am seriously contemplating using this system to run out to my planned 40m 4 sqaure in the back field. I can run the ladder line at 12 feet between the trees and then along the fence lines on fiber
I am getting ready to assemble the top guys on my rohn 45 tower. I intend to use a short length of 1/4ehs at the top and maybe 27 feet of 1/4 ehs at the bottom. I will be using a length of Phillystra
The thing that worries me is that the big grip for phillystran is designed for use with a thimble. I know that when using big grips with ehs they have two sets of starting marks. One is for use with
I am using the Rohn BPL45G flat top plate to make the top flat section out of a standard 10 foot Rohn 45 tower section. I am putting up an 86 foot Rohn tower and I was intending on using a Rohn GA45G
The person working on the tower is me but I know what you are saying about guy wires. Since the mast will be nested 6 feet into the tower, work on the rotator etc should be clear of the guys overhead
I will be hooking up my first set of guys on my Rohn 45 tower tomorrow. When I get the rest of the tower up (86 feet) and the second set of guys hooked, I imagine that I will have to check the plumb
Yes it is pretty much always windy in the Midwest - well it seemed to be when I was there but there are days here when it is quite still around dawn. Maybe a thicker rope and heavier weight with the
I am planning on placing the DX Engineering Enclosure Box to house lightning ptotection devices at the bottom of my tower http://www.dxengineering.com/Products.asp?ID=212&SecID=112&DeptID=19 It comes
I intend to ground the lowest section of my insulated partitioned tower guy wires to drain off static charges and to define the resonant frequency. I have brought out a long tail of ehs through the b
I cut out a Rohn 45 base many years ago using the metal cutting disk on my circular saw. Yes there are metal cutting disks for circular saws. I used to use mine to cut fenders off cars when I was rep