Andy, You just simply pull rope through the aluminum tubing elements and cut it to length. You might secure the ends so the rope doesn't come out or bunch up in an end. Mike W9RE
I bought a used 160 meter preamp and didn't get any documentation with it and wondering if anyone had anything. The outdoor unit is in a 2" x 2.5" x 4" cast jbox with a coax connector (so-239), a red
Steve, My favorite tip is to mate the tower sections on the ground (rotating for best/easiest fit) before they go up in the air and to mark the legs so the rope/cable is attached to the correct leg.
Dale, I dug this out from my notes and believe it is correct (but can't verify it) 74 turns of about #14 wire. At 3.7Mhz (on a 259B) showed 13-14uH and 343 ohms. 12 turns per inch. At 6.2 Mhz show 15
Jon, I have a couple Rohn 25 towers, one of 110' and one of 160' and both are guyed with hand installed screw anchors. The taller tower has 2 sets. The anchors I used have a screw of about 4" in diam
Jerry, My wood bases are comprised of 2- 6" x 6" x 4' long treated pieces of wood covered with asphalt roofing compound. The pieces are laid horizontally together, a Rohn base plate is attached to th
Mike, I just mic'd a pl-259 and got .16" and the center from my 3/4" and got .175 so with a little filing and a leather hammer a pl-258 is a nice snug fit. Don't have millimeter micrometers. A lot of
I tried this approach and had no luck with it. The antenna moved constantly using 2 springs. Mike W9RE Call 888-333-9041 to place your order, mention you saw this ad and tak
All this talk about coax and I find I am low on Belden 8267 or RG-213. That's what I have always used for phasing lines and short tower runs. I see the actual Belden price (from Newark) is about .90/
Bruce, I'm not sure what you are talking about 'wearing thought the leg'? I have had several antennas mounted to tower legs for a pretty long time with out any trouble. The only thing I can guess you
I am replacing my switchbox and coax in my 4 high, 15 meter system. The antennas are 4 element W2PV antennas using a gamma match with a variable cap. After attaching new feed lines (odd multiple of a
I have a used T2X rotator with no manual and it has what looks like a factory pigtail on it rather than the terminal strip. Can anyone quickly tell me what the color versus the terminal strip numbers
For all those asking about my 80 meter yagi presentation at Dayton, I have finally finished the web page on it. It is The 'hit counter' doesn't work yet
Tom, W8JI mentions using F-6 and F-11 (flooded, flexible?) similar to RG-11 in size) for his Beverige and short vertical arrays and also says it is sometimes available for a decent price, does anyone
I really didn't get any response to a query about availability of flooded CATV coax so I'll try another. Does anyone know of a cheap source of control wire like 10- #22? I have a short piece of 'fire