Hi Ford, To parrot what the FCC and the ARRL has said in the past..."make a recording of the interference or it never happened"...since you are using a spectrum analyzer at video tape might be handy.
I *tightly* coupled the MFJ's "Dip Meter Adapter" with a tuned circuit and "yes" there IS a dip on the 259B's meter, BUT, the dip was shallow and "inprecise"...something on the order of 2mm movement
Hi Tom, OK, good...that's reasonable. That's one thing I haven't tried recently...connecting a loop directly to the 259B. It seems to me that I may have tried that before ICW a QST article...perhaps
Hi TT ers Back in the late 50's, my dad and I had a ground plane antenna on the roof of our house. We used silicone in the coax connector to keep water out...it MAY have been suggested in the instruc
I too apply medical grade petroleum jelly (i.e. Vaseline brand) to all my outdoor connectors ever since I read about it in ON4UN's book. On the common coax connectors I completely fill the space wher
Silicone grease...the clear type used under transistors for heat sinking. Try using the grease in a "Jones" plug, leaving 12v DC power applied continuously between adjacent pins (fuse the leads of c
Tom, I use those thin rods sold at Dayton and some flea markets to repair thin aluminum. They are sometimes sold under the names of "MF" and "KL" rods....somehow I think those names are made up by t
No can do....the supply I used ran out a long time ago. The "problem" grease I had was from two different sources...I'm sure of that...but in the same era. Maybe there is no problem now with more mo
Hi Gentlemen, This isn't exactly tower talk...maybe close enough... I have tried several methods to measure *resonance* of a vertical 20m antenna (which will become a multiband trap vertical). In tun
Hi Brian, Thanks for your reply! The 6 or 7 ohms is only the *reactance* reading, not the resistance reading and at this point I am only recording reactance which as you said, should be zero at reson
Hi Rick, Your method sounds doable and perhaps more accurate than mine....I would have to improvise...no Minicircuits in my junque box hi hi...lots of toroids though. So I'll see what I come up with.
Hi Phil, The answer is in the angle of the guy as referenced to level ground. IMHO the angle between ground the the guy should *never* exceed 60 degrees. The optimum practical angle would be 45 degr
Welding would more than likely weaken the anchor rod...and besides that, welding gavanized metal will produce some very harmful gases and it will spatter like crazy. Not recommended IMHO. 73, Charlie
Try WB0W for gin poles, tower jacks, etc....Galen ships them world-wide! He's on the net...don't know the adr right off. 73, Charlie, N0TT ____________________________________________________________
Hi Jerry, Somehow the Rohn boys have gotta know about the bad galvanizing...keep after them! Yes, still printing QSLs. Sometime ago my ad didn't make it into QST, so I just let it go for the summer..
Hi Anthony, I'll try to help... Use the same breaking strength as the cable you should use, such as 4000 lbs for 3/16" EHS. Be sure to tension the guys equally and "to specs"...as I remember it that'
I haven't looked for Phillystran for years...thanks for the update LXC! The new product sounds MUCH easier to use than the original that is supposed to last 70 years..hi hi 73, Charlie, N0TT _______
Not "local" but Texas Towers has heavy walled 2" AL tubing at http://www.texastowers.com Order on line or by phone and you won't even have to leave your house! 73, Charlie, N0TT _____________________
I've had all I can take from "treated" wood posts! hi hi (but see below). They simply don't seem to last for a "reasonable" length of time around here in Missouri...so I use 7' steel fencing "T" post
FYI, the "real" Western Electric used to have a timber testing facility near Orange Park, FL (and other sites)...tested all kinds of wood poles and preservatives. As I remember it, CCA treated South