<<I'm planning to erect a 70 foot tower from sections of Rohn 25. I'm seeking input on what to use on tower joints to help prevent seizing at the joints. Thank you in advance for anyone's input. Jim
Hi Guys, Forwarded on behalf of a friend. Please reply to Charlie direct at wb4pvt@verizon.net --...MARK_N1LO...-- _______________________________________________ See: http://www.mscomputer.com for "
Hello TowerTalkers, Mike, I have used 18 ga lamp cord to make both antenna and feedline. You unzip the portion you need for the antenna and leave the remainder as parallel feedline. From what I've r
<< Anyone have any experience with the DX Engineering Hot Rodz top hat extensions with the Hustler 6BTV vertical? The Hot Rods were originally designed for use with mobile antennas, but are useable w
Steve, I want to publicly reiterate a sentiment I expressed to you in a separate email. I began reading and joined sometime around '97 or so, in preparation for building my first tower. I think Tower
I'll add my $0.02 here, I have a Rohn 25 tower with the flat top adaptor on top. I have a TB-3 thrust bearing on the top plate, and a second one on a modified rotator plate several feet below the top
Hello All, I've been following the thread about improving the dipole with interest. I frequently recommend common 300 ohm TV twinlead as a feedline, transitioning to shielded parallel line before ent
Thanks, Tom; Let me be sure I understand this. 1) If the meter's probe is large enough to encircle both conductors, do so and measure. The better the balance in current, the closer the meter reading
Hello TowerTalkers, Another inquiry for the neural network. Do any of you have practical experience with the simple Guanella choke balun? I learned about this from either the ARRL antenna book, or Je
Has anyone made one of these? You park one of your vehicle's tires on it, and it tilts up (parallel to car) from either the front or back, allowing you to raise a mast, even when parallel parked. I'v
Hi All, All this talk lately of NVIS antenna work goes along with some antennas and masts I have been building lately to enjoy casual, portable hamming, with some emphasis on cheap antenna plans for
Thank you all for your thoughtful and informative replies. Having a large spool of light wire with which I can easily lay down a screen is the easiest way to go, much like the pattern of cooling coil
Hello TowerTalkers; I use a sleeve of tubular nylon webbing over my rope lanyards. This protective layer is easily inspected before and after each climb. Dangerous abrasion is quite visible before th
Hi Scott, I do something almost identical to Gene's procedure (see Gene's link below), except that I solder on 2 pieces of insulated, stranded wire (one to shield, one to center), and I use a 1.5" le
Jim asked: <<...snip... Would a top hat attached to a mobile screwdriver antenna be a beneficial addition even if used only when stationary? Just wondering if it would make a significant difference d
<< G'day, I wonder if anyone can point me in the direction of a supplier for fibre glass rod suitable for bridging the centre of a split driven element. The element I am assembling is the heavy duty
Jim Advised: <<I've used it <Garolite>, and many other similar products. The problem with machining is that it's made of glass fibers, which are harder than steel, and so, cause your steel cutting to
<< Pi * r squared is area of a circle. What you will need is 2 * pi * r, or pi * diameter, which is circumference. However, this is accurate only for the turns on one radius. You can get fairly close
Tony << Checked an old PL259 connector and noticed some corrosion on the center pin. I was surprised since the connector was packed with "Stuff". Is there a better non-conducting anti-corrosion RF co
Joe, How about capacitive end loading for shortening your antenna? As far as I know, it's the most efficient type of loading. You could let the ends droop and attach basic spoke and perimeter wire ha